Chapter Ten

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AN:  Please forgive the lack of update.  Happy Holidays to those of you who are kind enough to read my story.  Love Loaf, FluffyBunny53


Seth paced quickly in his living room.  His hands were wrung together and his hair was messy from the amount of times he had run his hands through it.  He was tense and his eyes couldn’t focus on anything for more than a minute.  He was nervous as hell.  And that was putting it lightly.

Rose groaned from her seat on the couch.  “Can you please just sit down?  Jesus Christ, Seth you’re going to give me a heart attack.  You’re acting like Maggie died.”

Seth glared at her, but his pacing continued.  “You wouldn’t understand.”

“He says to the person with more dating experience.”  Rose shot back.  Seth rolled his eyes, but continued pacing.  “You’re going to make a trench in that floor if you don’t stop.”

 “Maybe I can bury myself in it.”  Seth grumbled.

“Jeeze, you’ve been dating for six weeks and you’re acting like this wasn’t going to happen.  News flash buddy, he likes his dad.”  Rose rolled her eyes.

Seth glared at her again, coming to a halt.  “Look I understand that people like their dads.  I know every dad isn’t like mine.  What I don’t get is why he wants to meet me.”

 “Because you’re awesome and you’re dating his son?”  Rose suggested.  Seth glared again and continued his pacing once more.  “You’re making a huge deal out of this Sethy.  Troye Hark is going to love you.”

“You don’t know that.”

 “Yes I do.”  Rose stood up and gripped onto his shoulders, drawing his pacing to an end.  “I know this because he loves you.  Because Neil loves you and Neil is his son and if I’ve learned anything from Adam it’s that Neil Hark is Troye Hark’s little angel.”

“I’m just scared Rose.  What if he doesn’t like me?”  Seth sighed, slumping slightly.  He ignored the fact that Rose had said Neil loved him.  Neither of them had said the L word yet and that was only a new can of worms.                                                                  

 “He will.  He’ll love you if he even has half a brain.”  Rose kissed his cheek swiftly.  “Now go make me some cookies.  You need to let out stress and I know you love baking.”

“Yes mother.”  Seth smirked.  Rose slapped him lightly on the arm and pushed him towards the kitchen.

Two hours later and Seth was freaking out again.  Ten more minutes and Neil would be knocking on his front door with an older Hark behind him.  A man Seth had never met before.  A man he had only heard about from his sons.  A man who Neil practically worshipped.

 And Seth was sure he was going to puke on his shoes. 

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