Another absolute dreadful day

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    Damn, good dream. "Get up, dickhead." Nick yelled pushing my head. "Ugh, why? What's going on?" I said in a frustrated voice. "Shut up and go eat breakfast. We have something important to do." Important? Why? "Where?" "Can you just get up? Please!" "Okay. Only because you asked so nicely." Asshole. "Okay. Nick. I'm done. We are we going?" I asked. "We are going wherever you want to go." Wherever? Well, I do have many things to take care of. "Okay! Book store!"

      "Ugh, do you have a few more titles you want to get? I don't want to waste money and gas for only three books!" "Nick, shut up. I'm paying for these anyways." I snarled. "Fine. I'll be in the car. Go pay." By myself? Woah, I'm gonna implode. "Hi. did you find everything ok?" The sexy cashier asked. "Oh, yes. Thanks for asking. Jessica?" "Haha, yes, Jessica is my name." Time to make my move. "You look really look really cool. We should hang out sometime. Here's my name and number." I said scribbling it down. "Just ask for Angie and I'll be at the other end. Bye." Damn phone ringing whenever it wants to.

      "Angie, hurry up. I have other things to do!" "I'll be out in a bit!" Stupid Nick. "Well, I gotta haul ass. I'll call you." I said with a grin to Jessica. "Open the door!" "Sorry. Get in." Nick said with a dumbfounded look in his eye. "I'm gonna take a nap. I'm beat." "Yeah, all that book buying and whatnot must have you really tired." He said in which I replied with a smack to his stomach. All that was said was only a quiet grunt.

      "Mommy!" "Yes, baby?" "Can i have a bowl of milk?" "Why?" "To give to the kittens." This little girl. Whom I do not know, is asking for milk. "Where are the kittens, first of all?" "In the back yard." We went to go check them out. "I don't see them. Are you sure you saw them here?" Oh my god... The momma cat killed them... "Um.. I'll get you your own kittens. Lets go inside now." "But mommy, I want you to see the kittens!" "I'm busy." This is a horrible dream. At anytime I expect Nick to shake me... Anytime now...

      "Wake up! We're here!" He said whilst shaking. I know him all too well. "What time is it?" "5 o'clock. Why? Got somewhere else to go?" He asked bringing stuff in. "Well, I am expecting a call in a few hours..." I rambled. "Really? Cool. I'm going to be going out around 8 o'clock. But my friends are picking me up. You can take the car. Think fast!" He yelled as he threw his fucking keys at me. "Are you serious? You fucking idiot! I could've gone blind!" I yelled. Over-exaggerating. "Sorry. I did give you a heads up." He replied in a semi-hurt tone. "Whatever. I'll see you later." "Where you going?" "Gonna cruise around town." And I knocked over things as I slammed the door.

        I'm whistling. I hate whistling. Phone ringing again. "Ahoy!" I answered. "Hi, is Angie there?" The voice asked. "Yes, this is she. To whom do I owe the pleasure for contacting me?" I retort in a sarcastic and annoyed tone. "Umm... Jessica, the cashier at the book store. I was calling and wondering if you wanted to hang out. I'll be out in 5 minutes if you want to pick me up." She said. I perk up in my seat as she said this. She came around. Man, am I glad for this. "Yeah, I'll be in that area. Bye." I replied in an amused tone. I'm luring in the prey. This is exciting. Fuck. Where do I take a girl? What the hell do girls like? This is hard. By the time I figured out what I was going to do, I knew I was going to take her to this little restaurant where my parents decided to break the news. "Oh shit. I'm here already. And there's Jessica." I was talking to myself as I pulled up and unlocked the doors for her. "Hey, I'm sorry I look like this." She says in an embarresed tone, and putting some hair behind her ear. In all honesty. She looked great. She had a tight, red shirt on. A black jacket, and blue jeans. Man. She was hot. "What are you thinking about?" Jessica asked. "Sorry. You just look so pretty. I can not stop thinking about it." I said, then glancing at her to see her reaction. She looked so confused. "Wait, are you a lesbian?" What the hell? "No. I'm experimenting. I loven women. But not that I'd be in a commited relationship with one of them." I replied. I sounded like a guy. Gross. "Angie, I don't know what you think is going to happen here, but I'm not interested. I'm engaged and just wanted a girls night out to talk my brain out." She said. Wow. My prey is not what I expected. "Just pull up here, Angie." I did as I was told. "No, Jessica. Wait." I grabbed her wrist before she exited the car. "Let go!" She yelled. I pulled her in and kissed her intently. She seemed to have enjoyed it. I leaned in to her, to make her give in. Suddenly, she took over me. Woah. "Jessica. Your engaged!" I said as she was kissing me everywhere. "Who cares? One night of adventure can't hurt." She said. I felt her smirking her on my neck. I bagged a wild girl. "Well, then we should go to your place." I told her, pulling away, but still touching her so she wouldn't think I lost interest. "Oh, ok. Just go to the nearest hotel. I have access to any hotel in the city." "Holy shit. Really? Time to break the speed limit!" I yelled and she laughed.

      We entered the hotel room. Ordered some things. "So, where were we?" Jessica asked, as she stripped down to her under garments. This girl was built perfectly. Her fiance was a lucky guy. "Right here." I pushed her on the bed and started kissing her some more. Now that we were on a bed, I believe we can do more things. "Angie, take off your clothes. I want our bodies touching." She demanded. I don't know if I can do this. "Can we turn off the lights first?" I asked shyly. "No. I want to see your face as I satisfy you. And, I want the camera filming me." Camera? What? This wasn't part of the deal. "Look, I'll do this quickly. And then we leave. I don't want others looking at this." I replied in a serious voice. She nodded her head, and with that, we got all our frustrations out.

       "Honey! Look!" Jessica yelled, walking through the front door. "What is it?" Nick replied. "I filmed again." Jessica said. "Why do you keep doing this? You don't need to!" Nick yelled in frustration. "This is the last one. I promise." Jessica said, kissing Nick. "Woah, you're face. You look awfully satisfied, Jess." Nick said in an uncomfortable voice. "I know, she was good. Wanna see who it is?" Jessica asked. "Sure." Nick replied. "Look. She knew what she was doing." Jessica said. Angie? Angie! Angie had sex with my fiance. How did this happen? "Man, her body was amazing too." Angie fucked my fiance. I'm going to fucking kill her. "Nick? Honey? You there?" I can not believe this wench. "Jessica. Lets move. Lets go anywhere you want to go. We'll pack our bags and have the wedding where you choose." Nick asked. "Nick! Are you serious?" Jessica asked. "Yes. Now choose." Nick asked.

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