In Which Nick Hits Me with Big News

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     "Good morning, Nick!" I yell getting out of bed. There was no reply. "Nick? Nick?" I check all the rooms and see if he's playing a prank on me. Time to call. Waiting sucks. "Hello?" A small voice answers. "Jessica? What are you doing with this phone?" I asked. "Who is this? Oh, Angie. How do you know this number? This is my fiances number." Her fiance? Nick is engaged!? "Who's your fiance?" I asked. "Nicholas Greere. I don't know if you know him." She asked sounding stupid. This bitch. Thinking I don't know Nick. Whore. Why the hell is Nick engaged? "How long have you and Nick been engaged?" I asked. "Hmm... 6 months." She said. Six months. Fucking shit. "How long have you guys dated? Or are you pregnant and have to get married?" I said jokingly. "Very funny. We've been dating for about 8 years." 8 years!? This is a travesty! "Woah. 8? What a long time. Does he know what we did?" I asked. "Of course. I showed him your picture. He didn't seem surprised." She said as if it were natural. "You showed him my picture!? Why!?" I yelled. "Gotta go! Nick is here!" And she hung up. She showed him my picture. Now he knows I fucked his girlfriend.


     "Who called?" Nick asked. "Angie. She called your phone. And we spoke. Is there a problem?" Jessica asked. "What did you guys talk about?" Nick asked. "Being engaged. Dating. The picture. You. That's it." Jessica responded. "How the hell did they even meet?" Nick thought. "Um, Jessica, sweetheart, how did you meet Angie? Just wondering." Nick asked Jessica. "Well, I had a temporary job today at some book store and she slipped me her number. Is that all?" Jessica said and asked. "Yeah. Well, we are leaving right this instant! Aren't you excited!?" Nick said trying to sound happy. "Oh, of course! Moving near my parents! You, of course, must be ecstatic about it!" Jessica replied in a sarcastic tone. "Oh, very funny, Jess." Nick replied. "Will you, my love, Nicholas Greere, join me on this exciting adventure of moving across the nation?" Jessica asked, with bags packed, ticket in hand, and waiting for Nick to help her with taking things. "Any day, honey." Nick answered, with the biggest smile on his face.


     "Hello? Nick, is that you? I've been trying to contact you for months! Where are you? Nick, I'm lost. I don't know where to go. I'm scared. I've seen way to many things. I've done way to many things. I need you. Here. Now. Please. Answer me." This was the voicemail Nick received from Jessica. He wasn't going to answer her. She's an idiot. Nick thought.

And he thought.

And he thought.

And he thought.

"Shit. I can't believe I'm doing this." He said to himself with a sigh. "Jess, I have to go home for a few days. It won't be long. I love you. Take care of our baby." He said to her and exited. Making his way to Angie.

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