Chapter 35 - Octavian's P.O.V.

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The son of Hermes glanced around, grinning, but looking unsure all the same. Octavian shifted, feeling sick way deep deep down.

"You want to come in? We could talk but it's not quiet, I'm sorry about that, it never is-"

"No-" Octavian interrupted, startling his friend.

"I mean, I'd like to go back to my room in the attic. If, if I'm allowed." He was nervous, fidgety. When Rachel had taken the books from him he'd felt instant relief, with worry and an unwanted jealousy on the coattails of it. Jealousy planted in his mind that she had the books and he didn't. It had torn open his feeble heart fighting the horrible urge to fling her to the ground and reclaim his ill-gotten destiny. By the time he and Travis had walked the path to the big house he was shuddering violently, and they had to pause a full minute before he had the strength to climb the ladder. Closing the door behind him he had to fight another urge to collapse then and there.

"Are you alright man? What happened on that quest?" Octavian stumbled over to his couch bed and sat down numbly, Travis joining him.

He mumbled out the beginning bits, and nearly cried when he described the fight with Rachel, which still stung like insanity, perhaps worse than anything else that had ever happened. He explained the apologies and then finally took his friend to the scene in the library.

When it replayed in his mind it was a lot darker than it actually had been, and his shivering came back.

But before he unloaded the heavy story he took the chess piece from his pocket, the forever reminder of the book's hold. And he wasn't a fool, he had tried to get rid of it. It kept reappearing.

"Do you know what this is?"

"Uh... A chess piece?" Travis couldn't help worry that his friend was losing his mind.

"What kind?"


"Pawn. And what are pawns Travis?"

"Victims. People used as throwaway pieces, sacrifices." Travis said, his pranking skills aiding his knowledge of the matter.

"That's what I am." He said darkly, before plunging into the memories.

He repainted every horrid moment, and by the end of it was hunched over.

"Now Rachel has the books and..." His voice was breaking. Travis' hand was on his shoulder, gripping him, keeping him, quite possibly, from fainting.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You'll be okay." Travis attempted to comfort, worried for the Augur.

"Travis? I know we just became friends but... We are friends right?"

"Yes, of course..." Travis set Octavian upright and, worriedly as something he might do for his younger brother, placed his hand to Octavian's forehead.

"Good. I need a favor and I need your upmost trust that you'll do it."

"Tell me what it is, I can't promise otherwise."

"I want you to keep Rachel safe no matter what. And have those books destroyed please, but not by anyone who you have a doubt of purity in."

"Octavian, what are you going to do?" Octavian had already risen, and was this close to falling.

"I'm a pawn Travis... The book will have a hold on me for as long as I live. I almost hurt Rachel yesterday, and I definitely wanted to today. I'm going to want those books for as long as I live."

"It's alright, we'll keep you safe those books are controlling you but that can be changed!"

"Those books didn't just control me. The woke me up. They brought back to life the real me. And unless I do something then I will be that monster again." He was trembling. Travis stood too, grabbing his friend's shoulder.

"Octavian please, what are you going to do?" Even though he knew. He knew deep down inside.

"I never got a chance to use the knives Mars gave me." He murmured, not even looking at Travis. Not even seeing anything.

"Octavian!" Travis screamed, trying to get the skinny boy's attention.

"It's the greatest monster I could ever kill..." He muttered, casting the pawn on the wooden attic floor and fled from one of the only people who wanted him to remain alive.

Travis hurried after him, but gave up when he lost sight.

The only thing he could do was tell Rachel.

He ran screaming through camp as he searched for her frantically.


Good morning/afternoon/night!

How are you guys?! I'm at home with a sty on my eyelid (bastard's been lurking for a week, almost), which is the most exciting news I got for you... I know many of your are getting ready for school again (wether, middle, high, college or university), I wish to wish you many good things ahead. As bad as school sounds, it's not the end of the world! I've been there myself...

Also, I have to say that the editing of my old stories is going, slowly. But it's going! I just finished revising all the mistakes of Goddess @ Goode (both parts) and all I have left is the cover... Anyone wants to be a kind soul? PM me with the header 'Fiction Cover'.

So, let's move on to the stories, shall we?

The First Times: 1 chapter! Thanks everyone for the comments, lift my heart and spirit!

Quest: Matchmade (former collab with ReeReeWithAngst): 1 chapter... So exciting! We're near the end...

Oh, before I forget! The requests asked are on their way, I just need some time to organize myself! Been dedicated to revising my old stories, sorry...

See you guys next week!
xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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