Chapter One

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"Why the hell didn't you iron my suit!" my step-father bellowed from his room.

"Sorry honey I forgot, I was just so busy with the laundry from this one customer who brought in like a ton..." my mother said as she rambled on.

" How many times does a man need to repeat himself?! I have a meeting in an hour you lazy bitch!" At this point his screaming became louder as he entered the kitchen from his room.

"Honey I said I was sorry. I'll do it right now," her voice started to falter when she caught sight of my red faced step- father, who looked like he might burst any second.

He started to approach my mother, who was cleaning the dishes in the small dusty sink, which could only hold five dishes max. He stopped by one of the cabinets, and took out a wooden spoon. At this point, I decided to emerge from my room, which was a small compartment near the kitchen, and run in front of my mother, attempting to shield her from whatever my step- father was planning to do this time.

"Back away or you'll regret it you bastard." I said in a calm...yet menacing tone. I was used to my step- father's random outburts and threats. I lived with him for the last five years of my life...I knew what I was getting myself into. However something I definelty wasn't used to was the way he tormented my mother. The way he would gather up all his anger or problems, put it in a bag, and throw it right in my mother's pure face.

"Get out of my way son or you'll end up making this situation messier then it already is!" He attempted to copy my tone, but just couldn't keep his voice in control, so he just ended up screaming and rubbing his alcoholic breath all over my face.

" Mom! Go to the door and get out...I can him keep distracted right here." I ordered her. I know where she'll run to. We've been through this hundreds of times. Without another word, I saw her run to the door, from the corner of my eye. She played with the lock, trying to open the damn thing, but couldn't after a few tries.

"Y'all can play smart with me, but don't you know, and old man would've figured out your tricks by now," he cackled mischivously.

Shit I thought to myself. What do I now? The door wouldn't budge, the window was right behind my step- father, so that's an immediate no. Ugh why didn't I think of a plan C?

"Just give me the woman so I can give her a few bangs...then she'll be out in no time!" He tried to make a move to push me out of the way, but I immediately responded grabbing both of his hands and kicking his bulging stomach. He toppled down onto the floor, crying in pain. He also let out the deadliest fart any human could possibly imagine. Maybe punching him in the stomach wasn't such a good idea after all...

"Kiflie what's going on?" a voice suddenly called out. I turn my head to find my younger sister, Nola, holding her teddy bear in her right hand. The bewilderment on her face shows that she definelty saw what I just did. How could've I forgotten her?

"Is daddy okay?" She had this concerned look on her face.

" Um look Nola..." I started to say when she interuppted.

"I need to go poo- poo and someone needs to clean me," she whined.

Woah. Are all six year olds that oblivious? But that's when plan C hit me.

"Mom!" I yelled. She was still trying to find a way to unlock the door. Her head turned to look at me. "Go to the bathroom and jump out from that small rectangular window that leads outside. But make sure when you jump out you that you land on the side of the roof first, before jumping on the ground." I commanded in an exasperated tone. I didn't want anyone dying in the large pit that led straight out of the window.

"Okay, come on Nola." She made her way to Nola's side of the room and scooped her up in her skinny, withered arms. I make a silent prayer that my mother is able to hold Nola in her arms, without dropping her.

I didn't see the blow coming. As soon as my step- father's fist connected with my face, I stumbled back, losing my balance. I could feel trickles of blood pouring down from my nose. He was about to go for another one, but this time I was prepared. I dodged the attempt and grabbed both of his wrist. Once I got a good hold on him, I kicked him square in the nuts. Smooth Kiflie I thought to myself.

Before he got another chance to get up, I ran to the bathroom window. But right before I jumped off I yelled, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!"Now don't me or anything, but I think when you win a fight, you deserve to celebrate. I jumped to the second floor roof, before making myself down on the cement ground. And with one last final breath of relief,I made my way to my mother and sister who were huddled in the corner near the pit, and sobbing uncontrollably. I sighed and asked myself, how can you not hope when met with an image like this?


Now sorry if this chapter is a bit dry, but I need to first build the setting and plot, before it gets all hyped. Let me know what y'all think!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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