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sorry for the late update; posting this from school (;

[disclaimer: i still had writers block when i wrote this. i might change it a bit once i get the inspiration.]

a few days had passed since i had been discharged. since the 'accident' with my dad happened, my aunt mary, whom i never heard of until that day, gladly took me in. she didn't live that far away from school, so i could still see adam everyday. speaking of school, i'd have to go back tomorrow. i wish i could say that i was excited, but i really wasn't.

i was scared of what others would think. what others might say. the whole thing was puplished in all the local newspapers - of course everyone in school saw it. if someone wouldn't have seen it, they'd truly have been living under a rock.

morning came too soon. i was rudely shaken out of my dreams by mary knocking softly against the door. "good morning darling. breakfast's ready." she announced as she poked her head through the door. i quickly got ready and headed to the kitchen, taking a seat opposite my aunt. it was a strange yet great feeling to have some company.

i finally felt at home. i felt loved. a place to call home. i smiled warmly at her as she put a plate with pancakes in front of me, pushing a strand of brown hair behind her ear. "adam's going to pick you up in twenty, right?" she asked, pouring some orange juice in my glass. i nodded, quickly checking my phone for any new texts and almost choking on my pancake.

07:23 am; adam:                                                                                                                                                                   i'll be there in five mins

i quickly gulped everything down as my aunt gave me a knowing look, a small smile plastered on her lips. "good luck!" she yelled as i sprinted out the door. right when i closed it behind me, adam showed up.

"god, why are you so early?" i asked, a little bit out of breath. he just smiled, shaking his head dismissively. we started walking towards school when adam suddenly took a turn towards the park. i didn't protest as we still had a lot of time until school would start, so i followed him until he sat down on a bench under a huge oak tree.

"sit down." he smiled warmly at me as he set his bag down. he sat next to me, rummaging through his backpack until he pulled out a small present and layed it in his lap. he took my hands in his, making me blush due to the sudden and unexpected touch.

"ty, i don't even know where to start..." he sighed, before taking a deep breath and focusing his eyes on mine. "every time i look at you, you take my breath away. i can't stop thinking about you, i'm so madly in love with you. heck, i love you so much, it scares me. i can't imagine life without you anymore, you chase away the darkness. you're my sunshine and i... i want to ask you... will you be my boyfriend?"

tears welled up in my eyes as i nodded frantically, throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him as tight as i could.

boyfriend... adam was my boyfriend. i didn't think my life could get any better...

an hour later we arrived at school, our hands intertwined. surprisingly, nobody gave us any nasty looks. instead, i saw some people smiling warmly at us. someone tapped my shoulder and i turned around, coming face to face with a rather tall girl with blue hair. "hey, ty right? i'm really sorry about what um.. what happened with your dad... i hope you're doing okay now." i nodded, a huge smile on my face.

"i'm really happy for you two." she winked and turned around, walking back to her group of friends who all smiled at us. "i'm alex by the way." she shouted, giving us an awkward thumbs up. i looked up at adam, seeing the amused look on his face.

"we did it, adam. finally the sun's shining for the both of us."

sunshine ; skylox auWhere stories live. Discover now