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i got sick of this bloody silence, everything i saw was black. i felt like i was falling, and i couldn't take it anymore. i didn't know how long i was in this coma, but it definetly was way too long. i would be going insane soon if i didn't get out of here. i closed my eyes, concentrating on my body. i tried opening my eyes, but i couldn't. it was like they were glued together. i moved my fingers, a sudden feeling of warmth spreading through my arm. 

"t-ty?" a distant raspy voice caught my attention. struggling to open my eyes, i grabbed onto the warmth tighter. a bright light blinded my vision as i finally managed to open my heavy eyes. i blinked, once, twice, before seeing a blurry figure next to me. "oh my gosh... ty... i thought i'd lost you..." i recognized adam's voice. i smiled weakly, eyes fixating on his face. "i missed you so much..." he got up, and i noticed that the warmth i felt was actually his hand. 

adam held my hand. he- he held my hand... i was overwhelmed with everything. thousands of thoughts and emotions practically overrun me, and slowly but surely i began to cry, clinging onto adams hand as if my life depended on it. adam looked at me with a worried expression, not sure how to react. so he just sat on the edge of the bed again, softly stroking my arm with his free hand. soon a nurse poked her head through the door, gasping as she saw me awake.

she rushed in, a doctor following close behind her. "how are you feeling?" the doctor asked me, a rather short man with grey hair. i nodded as the nurse handed me a glass of water and some pills. i gulped it down, and jumped a bit at the sudden noise of my stomach growling. "a b-bit hungry.." he smiled at me softly and nodded thoughtfully. "i'll make sure you get something to eat soon." the nurse rushed off with a clipboard in her hands. 

soon enough, i had a plate of fruit standing next to my bed, and adam and i were left alone. "t-thank you... for saving me i mean..." he just smiled sadly, shaking his head. "you would've died if i would not have been there..." i stared at him, not knowing what to answer. "but hey, you're here now and you are alright." he squeezed my hand softly which i hadn't let go of since i woke up. "how long have i been um.. out?" i asked, looking out the window thoughtfully.

"four months..." adam whispered. i didn't respond, thoughts flooding my mind. four months...

"god, i missed you so much!" he sniffled before engulfing me in a hug, not caring about the awkward position. he let go, sitting back and scratching his neck, his cheeks a bright pink. "ty i um... i got something to tell you..." he mumbled, not taking his eyes off the floor. i looked at him, waiting for him to continue. he sighed deeply before leaning forward and pressing his lips softly against mine.

and just like this, my whole world seemed to burn brighter than the sun.

sunshine ; skylox auWhere stories live. Discover now