A Night Outing

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Netflix, my dear friend, I never thought I'd say this, but you're starting to bore me.

Jesus, I'm speaking to a multinational entertainment company like it's a person. I guess that's what a day of complete loneliness does to you. I haven't seen anyone all day, and it's already 8PM... It's like the Underworld is dead... Ha! I guess it already is. When I ponder on it; not seeing anyone could be my fault considering I haven't left my room since I woke up. Well, it's their loss for not visiting me and seeing my spectacular face. I'm such a narcissist.

My thoughts are interrupted by a familiar someone blinking into my room. His presence instantly makes me smile. He returns it as I get off the couch and walk towards him. 

"Hey." I greet him as he pulls me into a small hug.

"Hay is for horses." he answers. I gape at him. He smiles back, an amused glint in his mysterious eyes.

"You must be in a good mood to be joking, King of the Dead." I poke him.

Hades chuckles: "That is just the effect you have on me, my queen."

He actually smirks; that's different.

I study his face, "What are you hiding from me?" I demand.

Hades just looks at me with a stupid glint of amusement in his eyes.

"I will be back in five minutes, change into something warmer."

With that, he blinked out of the little world that is my room. He was definitely acting strange.

Despite his weird behaviour, I did as he asked and changed into a warmer outfit, contemplating what he had planned.

As promised, Hades returned with what I assumed was Hades' version of a giddy expression on his face.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

Not answering, he held out his hand. I took it and we were instantly blinked to a place I didn't recognize. Soaking in my surroundings, I realized I was in a museum.

Hades answered my question before I could ask it: "I thought we could go on a little outing since you have been cooped up in your bedroom all day, he smiled and looked down at me, we are at the Museum of Modern Art, Manhattan."

I couldn't believe it; Hades had brought me on a date and, he'd brought me to one of the most famous museums on earth. Not only that, but we had the whole museum to ourselves since it had already closed for the day.

I couldn't contain my joy as we walked around admiring the different displays. We visited every floor; no doors were locked and not one alarms went off, must be Hades' doing. Walking down a hall, hand-in-hand, I bumped Hades with my hip. He looked down at me and gently nudged me back. A mischievous smirk graced my lips as I rounded the Underworld's Ruler and jumped on his back.

Giggling, I made him give me a piggyback ride through a few of the fantastic exhibits. My weight didn't seem to tire him... Of course it didn't, he's a god. I still pat him on the shoulder to let me down. Instead he swivels me around to have me facing him and kisses me passionately. The addicting taste of his lips keeps me from breaking the kiss. We finally break the embrace to come up for air:

"What was that for?"

"I just enjoy kissing you, agàpi mou."

He smiled at me and, before he knew it, I ripped myself from his tight caress and sprinted down the halls of the museum.

Hades One-Shot: A Night OutingWhere stories live. Discover now