chapter 1- calm yo dick

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I fixed my red wig on my head as I tried to adjust the rib crushing corset to help me breathe a bit better.

I was currently stationed in a private strip joint in Las Vegas where all the mulash was, as that was quite the hotspot for horny drunk rich dudes anytime of the day or night.

Yes, I was a stripper. Not everyone is going to school to study to be a nurse or a writer. Bitch, I need money and I need it now. On that J.G. Wentworth shit.

I used to regret it when I was younger but now I was down with it. Legit there's some hot ass guys who give you money, I mean what's better than that shit man? Nothing. That's what.

"Paci, you're up!" my boss yelled my stage name, peeking his head into the curtain as I nodded and hyped myself up, shaking my hands and jumping side to side like some sort of boxer.

"You got this bitch, whose gonna be making all the money? You bitch. Whose gonna see some bomb ass rich guys tonight, and maybe some dick? You bitch. Whose gonna be told she's a fine piece of chocolate ass, you bit-"

"Now! C'mon let's go!" he yelled again, making me scrunch my face up in annoyance.

"Ight bitch damn, calm yo dick." I yelled out after him before rolling my eyes and cracking my neck, exiting out the curtain to the stage with a huge Colgate smile plastered; making it look a though I was joining a pageant, trying to impress the judges.


I grabbed the pole in front of me gently as I lifted my left leg up and ground onto it sensually, making whistles emit from around me, only making me smile in satisfaction. That's when I took the moment to jump up on it and wrap my thick legs around the silver metal, sliding down in a circular motion and landing on my ass before doing a little pose.

Dollars upon dollars were thrown my way. Ha, little did they know, this bitch ain't gettin' wet over anyone. Just that money.

"She's fucking gorgeous." I heard a man say, his accent odd, "I'd love to give her a little something." he growled out to his friends beside him, making me turn into the blonde haired blue eyed mans way and crawl over to him, leaning over the rail that separated the stage and the men and gave him a smirk along with a kiss on his cheek, making his friends holler except one.

A curly haired man with light green eyes that could be seen even in this shitty dim purple hued lighting. We made eye contact for a brief moment, his gaze hardening before he bit his lip and gripped onto the arm chair tightly.

"You good, baby? You seem a bit stiff." I mumbled into his ear once I had absentmindedly crawled over to him, my hands on his knees as his whole body tensed and shook beneath my hands.

He let out a low, husky chuckle, one that could make panties drop and men quiver as he used one of his hands to tuck a piece of my stray red hair behind my ear before whispering, "Just have never seen someone so delectable before."


I was delectable.

I was a delectable bucket of Church's chicken with some mashed potatoes and gravy on the side. The perfect meat underneath the crispy goodness of the breast of the chicken. I know this ain't the correct motto but to him, I was finger lickin' good.

Goosebumps raised along my skin when he used that same hand to run down my jaw and under my chin, tapping it gently before backing away, the alcohol evident on his breath before I smirked at him and backed away. I stood back up and made sure to swing my hips in front of him as I did before shaking my ass a bit, turning around to look at him as he sat back in his seat and spread his legs, his hands on either side of the arms of the black leather chair as he stared at me intently. For some reason, the attention was giving me a rush and only made me want it more, but before I could do anything else, I heard the familiar 'Round of applause for Paci' ring through the speakers, signaling me that my time was up, causing me to leave the stage where I had once entered. God fucking dammit Henry, why did you have to actually do your job right for once in your fucking life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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