Chapter Ten

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           Ry hid in the shadows of the alley, watching his Wilder contact work his way through the merchant stalls. His right hand tapped impatiently on the hilt of the rusted sword. Ry bobbed from one foot to another, eyes examining each face passing by. Whenever the guards crossed the narrow opening, Ry shrank deeper into the darkness or tugged on his hood and turned his back to the searching men. He did everything he could to become part of the grime covered walls. As long as he didn't draw attention to himself, the men had no reason to investigate the foul smelling alley.

He'd left Sabina curled in the blanket, remembering the Wilder traders set up their booths before the first rays of sun soiled the night sky. Ry hoped she'd be smart enough not to wander off if she woke before he returned, but he counted on her playing the part of a lazy Princess and sleeping in until her ladies in waiting woke her. He left her in hopes that if the Wilders knew she was a Guardian they might help them. Turned out he only had to name drop Addrick and they did everything in their power to get him what he needed. Now he waited for a young Wilder boy to gather a root based salve to strip the dye from Sabina's hair and some boyish clothes to dress her in.

Ry glanced to the sky. What little sunlight remained was being swallowed by blackened clouds threatening another blizzard. The Wilders said their tribe was camped half a day's ride to the north and Ry wanted to join them before nightfall. If he couldn't find Demitra within Halden, the Wilders might send word to her. If nothing else, it gave him security, warm company, and food.

"Here ye go," the boy said when he returned to the ally. Ry's requested supplies over flowed in his arms. "I got yer lass a bow and a quiver of arrows. Put these animal pelts over the side of yer horses. If ye look as though yer going hunting maybe ye won't be hassled on the way out."

"Thank you," Ry said. He took the items from the boy.

"Follow the road north. Ye will come to a fork that splits to go inland or continue north. Cut inland and ride till ye find that symbol I showed ye. That's how ye will know the tribe is near."

"Then I go right from the symbol for two miles and wait to be found."

"Aye. They will know ye are coming. Have the lassie keep the Guardian symbol hidden until yer on the road. Give the guards no chance of finding out what she is. But when yer on the road, show that symbol. Ye will have the aid of any Wilder you cross paths with."

"These Guardians mean a lot to you, don't they?"

"Aye. They're our royalty, our protectors. So long as we have a Guardian alive, the Wilders can never be eradicated."

"I'm surprised you're helping me without proof."

The boy smiled. His tongue poked through several missing lower teeth. Red hair shifted in the wind when he looked behind him. "Ye would not know Addrick's name if ye didn't know of the Guardians. We call him by another name to protect his identity from those who would hunt him. Ye will be wise to do the same for ye lassie."

"I will."

"There is a salve in there for ye as well. Rub it on yer face and it will turn that stubble on yer chin to a full beard. It is the best we can do for ye here to change yer appearance. The tribe can do more with magic. Magic is not allowed within human villages for fear we'll be caught."

"I understand."

"Go now. We will do our best to keep the guards eyes off ye." The boy bowed before running back into the streets. Ry sighed and followed the alley until it connected with a less busy street on the other end. His head remained tilted down, keeping his face hidden from prying eyes. In the daylight he found the route to their hideout easily with no need of a charcoal trail. His lips curled when he found the Princess look alike still curled in a ball, muttering in her sleep.

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