Chapter Twenty-Six

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          The Harpies behind Zarich still possessing Rodyn multiplied, becoming a wall of darkness blocking out the sky. They circled the farm, impeding potential escape routes. Kira heard grunts from her friends, metal being pulled from their sheaths, and the hum of magic coursed through the air. She gritted her teeth, her eyes resting on a harpy descending upon her. Its claws scratched at her, separating flesh into narrow lines. Blood spilled from the open wound. Kira blocked out the pain and called the magic to her hands.

Fire licked her fingers, dancing upward in twisting spirals, as she drew back her hands. The flames reached for each other, spinning and twining into a solid mass. With a single push of her hands the fire flew toward the harpy. Flame's engulfed the she-beast, her screams rose above the grunts and metal clangs of battle. When one harpy burned, another took its place. She took a deep breath, widening her stance, eyes bouncing from one winged creature to the next. They swarmed over her diving and swinging their claws. Kira wished she had her bow. At least with that she felt confident she could take down the harpies at a distance.

Zarich stood away from the chaos. A smile twisted on her rotting lips, her dead eyes rested on Kira. Half the skin on the right side of Rodyn's face had rotted away, leaving a clear view to the skull. What flesh remained, bubbled with blisters and festering sores. It gave Kira some satisfaction knowing the body withered away with every passing second. She wondered how long until the body gave out. If it did, would Zarich simply vanish? Or would her soul go back into the crystal and await another host?

Another harpy's claws swiped at Kira, breaking her from her momentary distraction. She screamed, ducking out of the way. A blur of marbled gray whirled back, the harpy returned for another attack. Kira raised her arms, palms pointed to the beast. Magic streamed from her fingers, ice coiled in a growing line, bending into the tip of a serrated blade. Kira swung the ice blade, missing the harpy's wings as it spun away. The she-beast raised into the sky, her wings stretching wide behind her. Moonlight spilled around her, the orange glow of mixing magics merged with the pale blue moon. Fangs glinted in the light when the harpy screeched.

Kira stretched out her arms, one hand still holding the sword and the other filling with magical flames. She waited for the harpy to move. The she-beast's wings flapped enough to keep her airborne, but didn't launch her toward Kira. Saliva dripped from her fangs, burning the grass beneath the beast. Kira pulled back her flame covered hand, readying to fire at the unmoving harpy.

"Kira!" Demitra's voice broke through the battle. Kira turned, Demitra ran up to her, both her daggers covered in the blood. Demitra lunged at her, knocking her over.

Kira rolled on her side, looking at the older wilder. Demitra turned, raising both her daggers. A harpy, in full descent, impaled her claws through Demitra's chest. Kira's mouth dropped in horror. "No!"

The she-beast lifted Demitra from the ground, blood flowed down her arm in steady streams. Crimson oozed from Demitra's lips, her arms hung limp to her sides. Both daggers dropped to ground. Time seemed to slow for Kira. From the moment the harpy pulled her hand from Demitra's chest, taking her heart with it, to when Demitra's body crumpled in a heap beside her daggers. Each moment ticked by like an eternity.

Kira couldn't breathe. She was frozen in place, watching the harpy press Demitra's heart to her lips. Her vision blurred as Kira pushed on her feet and grabbed one of Demitra's daggers. Inhuman screams pierced her ears, Kira wasn't sure it was her at first. Blood warmed her hand, spilling out of the harpy after Kira sank the blade deep in the she-beasts stomach. She twisted the dagger, jerking it upward ensuring the harpy wouldn't survive. Kira turned to the other harpy still hovering in the sky. The she-beast had no chance to respond. Kira pulled out the bloody dagger and threw it into the sky. It lunged into the heart of the harpy, dropping her to the ground.

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