Louisa - Welcome!

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"Welcome! George, Louisa", Francis nodded in appreciation as he embraced George in a hug.

"Anything for this fine occasion", George simply smiled back.

"Louisa, do come and set yourself down", Verity spoke with a warm smile, she guided me towards a chair among the dining table, next to Anne.

"Thank you, Verity", I smiled in appreciation as I smoothed my purple dress down before sitting down next to Anne.

"A spot for George is the one next to you, don't let Francis tell you otherwise", Anne laughed slightly as she too smoothed the material on her fine dress.

"Hello, Elizabeth", I smiled as I noticed she was looking at me rather attentively.

"Hello, Louisa, I do hope you are well this evening", She replied sheepishly as she took a sip of wine from the fine glass. Her gentle hand clasping it delicately.

George took his seat next to me, he started to tap his fingers on the oak table very repetitively.

"George", I laughed slightly as I grabbed his hand.

"Oh, sorry", He laughed with befuddlement as he placed his hand in his lap.

There was a silence for a few moment amongst the table, Charles Poldark sat at the head of the table, he sighed almost breaking the silence.

The maids brought the food in, the silver platters were neatly set out, we were each presented with our own platter which was rather magnificent!

"Please, enjoy", Charles smiled as he placed his left hand onto the table.

"So, I believe the news is that yourself and Miss Louisa Benson are betrothed", Mrs Chynoweth, Elizabeth's mother spoke to George.

"Yes, we are to wed two weeks Thursday", George smiled in between his chewing.

"Please forgive me, but is she not below your uncles standards?", She chimed awkwardly as she sipped her very precisely.

"She is indeed not", He stated very calmly.

I could feel myself breathing heavier, I always receive these insults due to my rich father, Sidney Benson marrying a farmhand, my mother, Hattie Benson.

"I fail to see why my position is below any standards", I stated, looking at Mrs Chynoweth.

Elizabeth gazed at me, for a few moments, I am very sure I saw rage within her that very moment.

"Mother, please do not start anything, there is nothing wrong with anything, Louisa is a lovely soul", Elizabeth weakly stated, she clearly didn't mean it, she just wanted quiet amongst everyone.

"I'd say there is", Francis chimed.

"Brother, do not say such harsh words, Mr Benson is a wonderful man, so is Mrs Benson! Our dear Louisa is so much more", Verity defended as she seemed to be agitated.

"It is not for anyone to decide who I love, and not to anyone to decided who loves me in return", George smiled as he took my hand.

"Very well, George, I understand you two are both very happy together, I fully support that", He spoke, almost having to grit his teeth together.

"Thank you, friend", George nodded, smiling at me once more before finishing off his meal.

"I do say, there is not any need for any of this", Anne spoke.

"All these little arguments that constantly occur within this household needs to stop", Charles spoke.

As he finished there was a knock at the door.

"Who ever could be calling at a time like this?", Francis laughed slightly.

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