The home

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Ashlyn's P.O.V

I'm sat on the ground, smiling remembering all the times I've had with Dan and Phil. I look up and they are smiling down at me. I look at my hands and realize they are red from the cold. I have to go back home I'm going to get sick.

"It was really nice meeting up with you guys, but I really should be getting home. It's way to cold out here for me" I say as I stand up, Looking at them.

" well why don't you come over to ours? We can hang there if you want" Dan says looking at Phil.
" yeah that's sounds great. How about it ashy?" Phil questions me, I though about it for a while.
I finally gave in and we headed to there flat. We passed my building and I cringe. It really is ugly and horrible place. I didn't realize I had stopped walking.
" you ok?" Dan asked worried. He noticed me looking at the building.
" it's horrific isn't it? Nobody deserves to live in such an broken down home like that.
My heart sank I couldn't tell them I lived there. They would only make fun of me and leave me again.
" yeah" is all I say, looking at my window, I sigh and continue walking.
We get to there building, it's huge.

" this is where you live?" I say astonished.

" yeah we are thinking of moving though. To a nicer neighborhood" Dan explains, taking out his keys.
" don't move..... Please." I suddenly say, I blush and look down at my old worn black boots. Dan looks at Phil confused but shrugged it off. And walks in to the flat. I look around amazed. Compared to my flat this was a mansion. As I was looking around I saw the colorful decorations on the wall. I'm just so amazed how they became so successful. I've always had a passion for art but never did anything with it. I knew Dan was amazing at explaining and and story telling. And Phil was just an entertaining boy. I'm completely oblivious of my surroundings, I don't realize Phil was taking to me.

" Ashlyn you ok?" He asked with concern laced through his voice. I look around notice Dan not around, I sigh should I tell him about my situation. Living in the building alone, not eating enough because I don't have enough money.

" Phil I need to tell you something but you have to promise not to tell Dan." I say in my serious voice. Phil furrowed his eyes brows and brought me to the couch.

" what's up" I can tell he's confused. I take a deep breath  contemplating if I should tell him.

" you know the building we passed on the way here and I stopped to look at it?" I say hopping he knows what I talking about.
" well yeah what about it?" Phil is extremely confused at this point.

" well Dan said that it's horrific, and that no one should deserve to live there" I say looking down at my hands picking at my finger nails.
" what does what Dan said have to with it?" Phil questions with curiosity.

" I live there......." I wait for Paul's reaction, telling me to leave his home at once. But soon silence over took the room.

" you live in that old ,worn down building?" Phil questioned, I nod  a year falling from my eye.

" Ashlyn please I beg you to move in with us. Please...... I really don't want a beautiful girl like yourself being corrupted by the druggies who live in that building." Phil whispers looking me in the eyes.

" Phil I could do that. We only just remet, and I know for a fact Dan wouldn't want me moving in." My heart sinks knowing Dan would want me to be around here.

" that's not true at all, and you know it........... You moving in with us tonight, i'm are paying your rent your old place until you talk to your land lord." Phil get up and walks down the hall way. I sit there unable to comprehend what just happened. I quickly get up and follow him.
" Phil I'm not letting you do that!" I demand, he turns around and walking up to me. There is a door to my left, and I here muffles taking.
" I'm doing this for you Ashlyn. I don't care what you say. We are doing it tonight wether you like it or not."  He says putting his foot down. I sigh knowing there's no reasoning with.

" hey what's going on out here? What are you to doing tonight?" Dan barges through the door to my left. Ok note that's Dan's room.

" Ashlyn is moving in with us." Phil saying smiling at Dan. Dans eyes widen, and he turns to look at me. I shrug giving him a look that's saying " i had nothing to do with this idea".

" Phil I'm living here now, we're am I staying? Like where am I sleeping? " I say crossing my arms. Phil thinks for a second before Dan butts in.
" she can sleep in my room. You know until we have a place for you. " Dan awkwardly say scratching the bank if his head. Sleeping with Dan?????? What do I even make of that?

" sounds like a great idea what do you think Ashlyn" Phil turns to me.
" yeah that's fine I guess." I say smiling, looking in Dan chestnut eyes.

"Alright time to get you stuff from your apartment. " Phil says grabbing his coat and house keys.

" actually Phil there's nothing at my apartment other than a couch." I say looking down.

" you don't have any clothes? Food? A bed?" Dan asks confused. I shake my head no.

" I keep everything in my backpack because I knew I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. I only have one other pairs of clothes and I have my toiletries with me." I divert my eyes away from Dans. I'm never going to get used to seeing him again am I?

Ok so I added to this chapter cause it was really short and didn't have an end to it. So yeah I'll update later


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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