The call that changed everything

18 1 12

I sit alone in my one room apartment, slouching on the couch trying to get comfortable, since I don't have a bed to sleep on. I turn on the radio to bbc and listen to the songs.

  " if you have any requests for song feel free to give us a call, 589-463-8374, and we will meet your request as soon as possible" chirped a cheerful voice through the speakers. I thought for a second thing if a song and picking up my phone dialing the number.

Ring *
" hello this is bbc radio what is your name and what is your request?" A boy speaks through the phone. It sounded so familiar just like the last few times I've listened in on the bbc radio show but I could never pin point it.

" umm hi I'm Ashlyn bell,and I would like to hear heathens my twentyone pilots." I said into the phone. The line goes silent and I hear some muffling.
" ok caller we are going on commercial and we will put on your song" I them hear my radio go to commercial. I'm about to hang up but I get stopped by the host.
" are you by any chance Ashlyn bell who went to Andreas orphanage?" My heart stopped sinking to the bottom of my stomach. Now I know why there voices sounded to familiar. They were from the orphanage.
" yes I am and may I ask who you are" dreading the answer that was bound to come.
" it's Dan and Phil....... We used to be best friends...." A tear slid from my eye. The only friends I've ever have found me, the only friends I ever had who abandoned just to get out of that place, are talking to me again.
" do you remember us" I hear a different voice say ..... Dan. My heart started beating a million times faster.
" yeah I remember but I really should get going." I say trying to get out of that situation.

" wait we have to meet up, how about tonight, you still in London?" Phil chirpy voice rang through the phone in, I smile remembering his laugh and the jokes he would tell. It would be nice just to catch up wouldn't it?

" you I'm still in London," is all I say not answering the question they really want the answer to.

" great we'll meet you at our old hang out the huge tree in the park." My breathing hitched, that's were Dan and i had our first kiss before I left. Tears slowly rolling delicately down my cheeks. I missed both of them more than I thought i did. Maybe if I do meet up with them we could go back to normal. What am I saying they probably hate me for leaving and not even saying goodbye.

" yeah sounds like a plan" I say getting up from my uncomfortable couch.

" alright see you in 20." I hear phil squeak through the phone.
I nod even though they couldn't see me and hung up the phone. This is the moment I meet my best friends for the first time in years.

Dan's P.O.V

She hung up the phone and I was in complete and utter shock. Ashlyn the girl I had fallen in love with is back and we are meeting her tonight. My heart racing , my palms sweaty. Not ready to endure the anxiety this will cause for me. We finished the radio show and headed out of the building. We walking through the waves of people till we get to the park. And sat by the tree was Ashlyn look at her phone. I was nearly 5:30 and it was December so it was freezing. I froze in place not able to move, phil looks back at me and stops.

" what's up what wrong?" He ask searching my eyes for an answer.

" I'm just nervous is all, she just sitting there, but it's somehow menacing." My heart racing even more. " how's my hair is there anything on my face?In my teeth?" I ask rushing by words. Phil puts his hand on my shoulder.
" I'm scared to but we have to do it " I nod and look back at the girl. We walk towards her sweating even though is -100.
We stand next to the tree, her not resizing we are here. She was looking out into the sunset admiring the beauty. I sit down next to her ok the bench, still not looking at me.

" beautiful isn't it?" I say out of no where. Ashlyn gasps,sands up and looks at me. She put her small hand over her mouth. I see tears falling from her eyes, her eyes weren't sad they were almost happy, a stood up looking at phil,him shrugging. I look back at Ashlyn and she runs up to me and tackles me. We fall on the ground with a thud. I look up her head laying on my chest crying. I could get used to hugging her. I laughed and smile, my dimple showing.
She looks up and sees Phil, squeals and gets off my chest leaving the areas cold and deserted.

" I've missed you so much" she sobs into phil's chest. I small petite body looking extra small against phill tall exterior. She lets go and looks back at the two of us and falls to the ground smiling like a maniac.
and with that I will end the first chapter there. Hops you enjoy


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