meeting the tycoon

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Five years ago
Lisette POV
Mom are you sure you'll be ok alone without us around

Lisette I'll be fine sometimes i wonder if i were your mom or its the other way around go have fun and take care of your sister okay

Alright mom I'll just go pack up ok
Yeah i have been worried sick about my mom she's been off lately any way me and my sister would be going to her best friend birthday and will be spending few days there

Beatrice is my thirteen year old sister well only sister and sibling

Hey sis are you ready i called out yeah just got to find something and well i found it so lets go

I was really nervous about this party because Marcia parent are freaking rich and well we aren't poor but well its gonna be a place full of rich people

Well am not a kid anymore i can defend myself when it comes to humiliations when the time comes back to me i am nineteen in college and a virgin yap i am and not planing in changing that

I have been in relationship of course but well non so far has been successful

I have only one friend well true friend Alexandria Mons she's rich but humble i guess she will be at the party to rich people always knows each other

Lisette there here well Marcia parent sent one of their driver to come pick us up well yeah Marcia parent us I mean we are good friend with them the are humble people very nice and sweet Marcia  was a very sweet beautiful girl I loved like a sister as we were about to enter the gate Beatrice was so excited of course
As we came out of the car I heard a loud scream BEATRICE ! Marcia screamed they hugged they haven't seen for weeks so I guess that's why hey birthday girl am really jealous I joked oh lili you don't have have she huged me I love you too come on I'll show you to your room

Ok but first can we both say hi to your parents OK but don't take to long no long greetings please its really annoying at times I laughed OK Marcia as we walked into the hall

all I could do was look left,right front back its massive I know its not my first time coming her but very time I come it always shocking

I then I saw someone omg I think his a God no human can this be great gorgeous extraordinary omg his eyes blue but a very kind of blue the site of his face made me stop breathing

Oh God he was talking to Marcia father I froze at the site oh his voice deep and dark a faint trace of Italian accent OK my mouth was opened so I snapped it shut I can't oh why can't I stop staring

Lisette stop it i told myself he was six feet almost six foot four I guess he had long powerful legs thick dark hair silky

Oh his nose dark thick brows he was glorious beauty couldnt define this

19years of my life I have seen men boys cute and handsome ones but this is something unspoken of God took time to construct these ones he was an exceptional being

Good day Mr and Mrs Andrea all attention was towards us now then oh eye met oh my he has to be an Angel

Lisette Beatrice oh darling Mrs andrea said welcome girls she gave us a nice hug how is your mother
She doing well I said oh how is school going Lisette Mr Andrea asked very fine sir

Oh lili Bea Mac said meet my uncle
Nicolas and then our eyes met he smiled and we exchanged handshake even his hands felt good Mac you didn't tell me you have such cute friends
Oh seriously UNC how often do we speak

You're always working here and there

I got a gift for you for my forgiveness he said the came a huge smile on her face

He said  something to her and she laughed hard

And then he stared at me for a moment I could feel it

And then Mac said we should leave Mrs Andrea asked us to go get ready for dinner

I love you mom thank you no long talk today Mac she said then we talk to the stairs to the room we were to stay in#######**************#######*******

Very short I know but next chapter will be better I promise

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