The Voice

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"Well we're waiting how did you 2 get through the force field"

"Umm...well I watch a lot of anime" Adrien says scratching behind his neck.

"I like making stuff I guess" Marrinette shrugs.

"You 2 are truthful but, you must have a deep secret that no one knows about" Blubbles says curiously.

"How would you know that?"

"Well let's see umm, well your aura Marinette is a sunny,creative mist,pure, and strong!" Blubbles states " Although they are a few secrets those secrets are as pure as you" Blubbles said excited.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Adrien exclaims "Your heart really is as pure as gold"

"Umm..thanks.... wait can all pixies see auras?" Marinette asks.

"Nope just me!" Blubbles exclaims."WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR YOURS ADRIEN".

"No, I'd rather n-" Adrien was cut off by Blubbles.

OKAY!,YOUR AURA IS uhh... for some reason it seems blocked off hmm.....ahh here we go! *cough* *cough* A pure sun shine child umm thats all it says..."

Adrien wipes his head off in relief.

"You okay Adrien you seem kinda bothered" pixie says.

"Oh, it's nothing hey! Weren't we doing something" Adrien changes the subject.

"Oh right" Blubbles says then pulls out a MK-Riffle, "now show us who u are before thing get..."playful" She sorta threatens.

Pixie transforms and grabs Blubbles " now,now we both know there is a better way to deal with this" She looks towards the two teens with a smile.

"" Marinette whispered.

Pixie girl transformed back and whispered something in Marinettes ear.

Pixie flew towards Blubbles and said "Night,Night" suddenly all they could see was darkness....
                 The rest of the chapter is in
                   Marinettes point of view

I wake up tied up on a chair in a dark room.
'Those pixies probably put us in here evil little
Bastards'I thought to myself.

I looked around to find Adrein, but I found something more disturbing!

Tikki is tied up next to a small cat.

"Ti-kki" I said my voice sounding rough and meek.

" some-one the..there A voice replied to my small voice, coming from the other side of the room.I couldn't quite see them but, the second I heard his voice I knew who it was,but why was he here.


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