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This is in Marinettes point on view :)

"Nathaniel?" I said questioning why he was here in the firsts place.

"Oh visitors" Nathaniel says.

Tikki wakes up and tries to phase through the rope.

"Don't bother it's magic" Nathaniel say walking over to Tikki.

"Waa?"I said confused "Then how did you get out of the rope?"

"I designed this rope, so it easy to get out I'm guessing the pixies put you in here" Nathaniel assumes.

"How....."I trailed off "Why are you here?" I asked him.

Nathaniel puts an bored look on his face " I live here!"

"Wha?..How is are you......" I look around "Who are you" I ask.

"Nathaniel according to you" He points at me.

"That's not funny, who are you" I say seriously, Because I'm literally tied up right now.


I get slightly more depressed not to say I was depressed, I just hope Adriens ok.....Although meanwhile Mr.Mystery still hasn't answered.(You guys who are REAL zag toon fans should know who this is by now)

"Hey..yo-ou st-st-still didn't an-answer my question!" I say trembling due to my previous thoughts."But, while your answering th-that!, *cough* question can you tell me where my friend in" I ask trying to sound as if I'm in distress.

"First question"he pauses "well i'm obviously not Nathaniel" He grasps something that looks like a staff "So who am I" He says pretending to think.

I roll my eyes, So this Guy got jokes huh? *pfft* I've spent almost a year of my life with chatnoir now, I can handle this.

"Hmm I don't know who are you" I say clearly enough for him the hear."Well I assume you have something to do with magic seeming your staff matches those of a warlock" I say confidently." If I am correct I will politely ask you to remove those to faintly adorable creatures and my friend" I point to Tikki and the small cat.

Nathaniel's look-alike looks shocked then let's out Tikki and the kitten still asleep and continues to talk.

"Smart girl" he pauses then turns to look at me.   "Well if you must know the story of my life, my name is Mike kurtzberg"(his real name has not been reveled yet) He says doing over dramatic motions.

Why did that name sound so familiar?

He lets me out of the rope using his magic star staff.

"I am the brother of Nathaniel Kurtzberg, the one you know" he pauses. "I not telling you the whole story but, I'll answer any questions be cause pixie won't let me out.

Nathaniel had a twin brother! actually I was half expecting this and half expecting him to be a clone which ever it was I mean it's so predictable for this cliche to happen seriously!

I was about to ask something when suddenly the door burst open.

Adrien burst through the door. "Weneedtogetoutofhere, Marinette" he says quickly so I only here marry me Marinette-hehehe.
"Umm Adrien wha-" I was suddenly cut of guard because Adrien picked me, Tikki and the kitty up."A-ADRIEN!" I scream surprised and blushing.

Suddenly from behind us pixie girl comes.

"A-a-Adrien.... can you put me down" I say meekly after the sudden events that just happened.

"Uh, r-right" Adrien puts me down as the 2 creatures wake up.

Neither of the creatures say anything I guess that's normal since Tikki can't revel she's a Kwami and cats don't meow a lot.

We all were watching the fight between mama witch and what I like to call the pixie team.

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