sunnah Of sleeping (ENG)

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Sleeping is similar to death. That is why sleeping has been linked to death, and waking with life. When preparing to sleep we should fear that may be our eyes close and do not open again. This has happened many times ; hence we should ask Allah (The Exalted) for forgiveness of our sins as it is not good to do so without.
The pious would sleep little as the time spent in sleep is of no use. Only if we are successful and able to understand to reality of our life. For instance if someone has a life of 60 years and sleeps for 8 hours a day then we would have spend 20 years in sleep, that's 1/3 of the life spent in sleeping. In these 20 years we did not achieve anything, however, if we spend our sleeping in the way of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) then Inshallah we will gain some benefit as this will become worship.
Imam Ghazali (may Allah have mercy upon him) states that those who can not stay awake and worship and are engaged in sin. When completed the necessities such as Salaah etc. it is superior for them to go to sleep. At least one will abstain from sin. In a hadith it states to the nearest meaning that until a person is asleep the pen of deeds is lifted, meaning one is not bound by the Shariah.

After Isha

After the Isha congregational prayer, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) would see the companions off before returning home himself. At his bed side, he would keep the following items; a Surma bottle (eye colouring), a comb, some oil, a pair of scissors, a Miswak, a mat or a folded cloth to lie on, a mirror and a wooden stick.

Safety Check

Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that a house in Madinah with the inhabitants inside set on fire. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was informed about this and he said, 'The fire is your enemy, this is why when you prepare for sleeping put it out.'

We should make sure that any appliances are not left on. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is teaching us how to live, those who follow him will succeed.

Recite Bismillah

According to the hadith narrated by Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) who said that, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that, 'Recite Bismillah whilst closing the doors and cover any utensils i.e. water, food, etc. and switch off the light i.e. not leave it burning or the utensils open so the Shaytan can not come in or use the utensils.' The reason is that something may fall inside the foodstuff & if candles are left lit it may catch fire.

Wudhu Before Sleeping

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that, 'When a person sleeps with wudhu, Allah (The Exalted) gives permission to his soul to circumambulate the 'Arsh and bow to Allah (The Exalted). Whilst sleeping in the state of wudhu, the reward of worship is being written for you in your book of deeds all night. Subhanallah!

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, 'When one of you goes to bed then with the edge of your lower garment (or the edge of the duvet) clean to bed, what were you to know what is in the bed.'
One may ask the question, why do we need to do this because they lived in a hot country and there is a chance small animal/creatures such as a snake or scorpion etc. may seek refuge, we don't have this problem here neither do we have sand or dust particles getting into our bed' I say that the Sunnah is for all mankind no matter who or where you are. Those who live in these climates and conditions can use this method and those who live in cold climates can use it too as there are other insects like bed mites which the visible eye can not see which can harm. Then to clean the bed is a great Sunnah and no matter where in the world you may be, one can practise it, Subhanallah!

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