Many people only look at those who have more than themselves who are in a better situation they think. But they ignore the fact that they have much more than most people have. It doesn't matter if some have more than you. If you think like that or live like that than you will never be satisfied with your life and you will never be grateful with what you have. You'll want more and be greedy. Many people don't have what you have. But look around. Look at those who have much less than you. Than you will see how Much gifts and blessings you have. You will be grateful once you notice.
You have eyes - many are blind or have an illness. Some are born this way to not have a vision and others are caused because of an accident or illness.
You have ears - many people loses there hearings or are born deaf. At any ages.
You can speak - there are people who has it hard to speak because of there illness.
You have free will - you can choose your own stuff. When you don't want it than you won't do it. You can chase your dreams while most people can only imagine it. Many are prisoned in there situations and have no rights of free will. They must follow orders even the rich ones.
You have 2 legs/arms - you are blessed with 2 arms or legs. Many have lost them in accidents or wars or even because of an illness. Most people not only lost one of there body parts but 2 or even more. And ofcourse there are cases where they were born without arms or legs or even both.
You have a healthy body - many people struggles with there life or health. They have small to big sickness. Some even lead to death and others is for a lifetime.
You have money - how many people suffers because if this reason? They have no money. Or have not enough money. Many people are money short. Or just have no money at all. There are not many people who has a normal sallery. Mostly it's rich people and poor people. Normal people are getting rare. There are people who have some month enough money and the other month nothing or almost not enough. People suffer. In many ways.
You can eat or drink as many or as much you want even any kinds - how many people lives like this? Not many.
You have things that belong to you. Things that you can call it "mine" - there's lots of people who must share everything or just share from others. They don't have really something that are "theres" and some people has less than you. Way less.
You have family members - there are people who have no one of there family's left. Those who lost many family members. Those who never have known there family.
You have parents - how many people can play and laugh with there mothers and fathers? Not many. Some lost there mothers. Others there fathers. And even some both of them. There are cases where they never have known there parents. At all ages.
You have someone who loves you - how many people have someone who actually loves them? There are many situations where hate takes its leads. Causing people to have depression and take there lives.
You have a healthy soul - many people are born with a sick soul. They cant think like a normal person. They don't act like a normal person and are like a abnormal-nonhuman like. You can think and make choices. What they can't do. You were born with a healthy soul.
Be grateful of what you have now. Once you lose it than its too late for regrets. You have many gifts and blessings. Even when it's so small it can mean so much. Even that small blessing can change your life to the better.
Being ungratful causes greed. And greed cause arrogance.
Believe in The Truth (NL&ENG)
Random*written in Dutch and English. Some are are English and some dutch.* [Dutch] Wat is de waarheid? Worden mijn vragen beantwoord? Wie moet ik geloven? Wat is het beste? Vind het uit, lees. Believe in the truth. [English] What is the truth? Are my ques...