"Benny leave"

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The next day you got ready doing your everyday routine and getting dressed in one of the outfits you got you yesterday. After that you walked outside to see Zach was waiting for you. You two walked to school together having just about a normal day. The kiss was never brought up, you didn't want to make it awkward.
After school you were walking down the street when Zach brought it up. You were kind of shocked at first. You were also worried that he didn't like it.
"Hey (y/n) about that kiss last night.." Zach said not finishing his sentence
"Oh about that, sorry I don't know what I was thinking." You said embarrassed
"No no don't be ! I just wanted to ask if that meant you had feelings for me" he said with a worried tone

You hadn't thought about that yet, you definitely like him but was it like that? Every guy that you liked back in your old town was stolen by your "friends"

"Ummmm I don't know, I'll have to let you know later" you said really thinking about it
"Oh well that's fine if you don't I just wanted to know" Zach said sounding sad
"No I do" you just don't know how, but you didn't tell him that.
"Wow really!? That's great!! Um, this might be really last second but do you want to go on a date tonight somewhere fancy ?" He said with anticipation
"Id love to" you said blushing
How am I going to get out of practice? I need to get ready for tonight.
You decided to go home and get ready
I can skip one practice can't I? You thought to yourself. After 15 minuets of getting ready you heard a knock on your bedroom door.
"Come in" you yelled thinking it was your dad
You froze. You knew exactly who that was an you were busted.
"Oooohhhh heyyyyy Benny" you said kinda nervous
"Hey? Is that what you have to say is hey? Why aren't you at practice " he said with anger
" I'm getting ready. Why aren't you at practice" you said also getting angry
"I'm coming to get our star pitcher, and what the hell are you getting ready for a beauty pageant, because you sure as hell aren't going to practice looking like that"
"Who do you think you are coming over to MY house and telling ME how I should look. And YES I'm not going to practice like this I'm going on a date with Zach!"
You were pissed how dare he come into your room and tell you what to do.
" Oh so Zachary is more important than our team! You seem to put him first over anyone else! And if I want to come into your room and ask you to come to practice I will! I'm the teams captain and I keep the team together!" 
"Let's get a couple of things straight here you didn't ASK me anything you were YELLING at me. And only right now am I putting Zach over the team because we practice everyday, and Zach wants to go out on a date like a normal person!"
"Oh yeah well if you weren't to busy locking lips with Zach at the pool you would've heard Timmy and Tommy are throwing a party Saturday! And I go on dates!" He sounded hurt but still angry
"Oh yeah with Cassy" you said with discussed
" Oh is that jealousy I hear" benny said with a smirk
"No I know exactly what you were doing, you were just using her to distract yourself from me" you said with tone
"Oh yeah her lips really distracted me, ya know she's a really great kisser and I hear she's kinda easy. I was talking to her and she said she knows how to pitch so I told her she can have your spot while you're gone" he said cutting right to the bone

You know they went on a date but you didn't actually think Benny would kiss her or anything because they never kissed when you were with Zach. And the fact that Benny would let anyone other GIRL pitch after Benny gave you a hard time about being on the team in the first place really made you mad and hurt.
"Ya know what Benny I think you should leave" you said quietly
"What?" He said confused
"Benny leave" you said raising your voice
"Oh what are you pissed now because you are being replaced when you're not there" he said still mad
"No I'm being replaced completely" you said upset
"I never said that (y/n)" he said a little softer
"Yeah but I did I'm not coming back, I'm quitting, I don't want to be on your team. I don't want to be anywhere near you, you're selfish and inconsiderate about other people and how they're feeling. But you don't care the only thing you care about it baseball and getting into Cassy pants!" You said shedding a couple of tears
"(Y/n) I'm sorry, please don't leave the team I didn't mean it" he said pleading
"You don't but I do ! I'm not coming back, I quit, now please leave" you said chocking up

Benny left without saying a word and you finished getting ready for your date. It was fabulous and Zach was super sweet, but you couldn't get your fight with Benny off your mind. Zach asked you if you were okay a couple of times but you always lied. After the date you kissed Zach and went to bed and cried, you've quit the team and lost most of the friends you made.

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