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Mat turned on the T.V. The news was on."This just in! Last night there was a prefect robbery! The one that we will

call Ape Prime got away before the cops even got there!" the reporter said.

Mat let out a small gasp while he was feeding Wave, his dog. Then he spun so fast that wave ran away. He was going so fast that he made a small tornado that didn't absorb any thing! When he stopped he was in his Superspike costume. Then he flew off.

"Where is he?" Superspike said while using his X-ray vision.

He looked all around the city, then found him in the city storage. "Yes!" he yelled quite loudly. He flew down quickly and got there within seconds.

Ape Prime jumped out then was leaping crate to crate.

"Eesh oossp cresss!" The evil ape yelled. Eventually the ape stopped, held his hands close together, then some kind of green electro ball formed and launched it at Superspike! He fell out of the windows, paralyzed. Then, he was in water! He looked down and said, "Good boy, Soak!" It just smiled. he noticed that his ears were spinning like at the beach. Then he saw soak wearing his old cape.

Mat said, "Let's get him!"

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