Author's Note

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The idea for "Reparations" started with a single line from a writing prompt I saw somewhere about a year ago, at which point Amaya entered my head with the full force of a Category 5 hurricane. I don't write first-person stories often; I have a hard time getting the character's voice just right and tend to dislike sticking in any one character's head for the duration of an entire story. I didn't have either of those problems with Amaya. She just wrote herself, and I enjoyed every second of it.

I sent this story to a grand total of five publishers before I decided I didn't want to go that route after all. Two of them sent back very positive rejection letters, but they both suggested changes that I realized I just wasn't willing to make. Maybe I would have been better off listening to them. Maybe (probably) the story isn't as good as it could be. That's okay. "Reparations" is a deeply personal story for me—more personal than I ever anticipated it being. It's the story I'd been trying to write for five or six years, though I didn't realize it until long after it was finished. It was a sort of catharsis, and because of that, I couldn't bear the thought of making any major structural changes. For all those reasons and more, I decided to publish the story myself and make it available to readers for free. I can only hope that someone will find it and enjoy reading it in spite of its imperfections.

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