1: First days

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I wake up to the sound of my mom screaming my name from downstairs. It was my first day of school. A whole new year, my 11th year to be exact. I've been training at this school since I was 4.
I change into my uniform and rush down stairs. I picked up my wand on the way. I peck my mother on the cheek and grab a cereal bar.
While I was running to school, I saw the beautiful ocean. It's waters were crystal clear and had hints of gold in it. It was so beautiful. That's why our city was named "Golden Ocean".
I run into the classroom. Chloè tripped me, but Adrien, my best friend, helped me up.
"You ok, ladybug?" He said. We had nicknames for each other since the 2nd year of Miraculous Magic Academy.
"Always ok when you're around, kitty." I replied and  We sat down in our seats. I was always behind him with Alya and he was always in front with Nino.
Our teacher came in and taught the lesson.
A few minutes later, she made an announcement.
"Ok young witches and wizards. In two weeks, Headmaster Fu would like to test all of you again." She stated.
We all groaned. All the magic schools in the state had to make students take a test each year. It was annoying. We didn't know what the results were or why we had to take it.
"Please take your leave to your next class. Dismissed." She said pointing to the door. The bell rang and we packed our stuff up. We went our separate ways. I had to go to duel class.
In duel class you duel with other students. You cast spells, but you can't kill or deeply injure your opponent or you'll get expelled.
As I walked to class, I saw Chloè glaring at me. I stepped through the door and saw our teacher. He was about 7 feet tall and didn't smile at all, that is until he saw me. It was weird. 
He picked our partners and we began. My opponent was... Chloè. She set up a weak shielding spell and studied her nails.
"Try and hit me loser." She said smirking.
I held my wand up and conjured a simple spell that throws Chloè off balance. Her shield now gone.
"No fair! Daddy!!!" She said running out of the room.
A few minutes later, class ended and we had lunch. I met up with Alya, Nino and Adrien. We are our lunch and went to class.

The day ended and we reported to our rooms. I had Alya as a roommate.

Hey. I'm Cassy, Cora's friend! I'll be writing some of the stories while she writes others!


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