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I dedicate this story to my amazing friends. My one true family.
I know that this may not have changed what I have done to you all, but know that I am truly sorry.

-Sunshine Residence-1 Week before move-in-
A (H/C) female glanced at the newspaper clipping in her hand, before glancing up at the golden plaque that lied on the brick wall. Releasing her bottom lip from the hold her teeth had on it, a nervous habit, she sighed and pushed the black iron gate open.
Walking into the courtyard of the condo complex, she was surprised at the variety of flowers that surrounded the building. Even though she didn't know one thing about planting, she could tell that they were all well taken care of. It was also hard not to notice the large oak tree that sat in the middle, it's canopy shading a bench that surrounded the wide trunk.
This would be perfect for days off. The female thought, a sudden giddy feeling in the pit of her stomach.
"Hello? Can I help you?" The feeling was soon replaced with that of dread, quickly turning around, she found herself now facing a very attractive man and a cute little boy.
"G-gomen." The (H/C) bowed. "I found this article in the newspaper saying that there was a room to rent here." She stated, holding up the clipping.
A smile adorned the male's lips, not that it had not been there to begin with, which truthfully calmed the female down. "Right. My stepfather was the one you talked to on the phone then." He stated, then held his hand out to her. "I'm Masaomi, I'm sure he mentioned me." He introduced himself.
Smiling, the female took the male's hand and shook it. "L/N Y/N, a pleasure to meet you. And you are?" Bending down a bit, she locked eyes with the boy who was hiding behind Masaomi.
"I'm Wataru!" The boy exclaimed, a huge grin adorning his features.
Giggling, Y/N held her hand out and shook Wataru's hand. "It's nice to meet you too, Wataru-kun."
"Are you here for a tour?" Masaomi, his smile having widened just a tad from seeing the actions between his brother and the woman, asked.
"I don't think so, from what I've seen so far this place is amazing." Y/N stated. She then rummaged through her purse and pulled out a small folder. "I actually have to get to work soon. But these are my papers in case you need to look over my history. My phone number is in there as well, so you can call me in case I need to pick up my file or if I get the condo." Holding up two thumbs, the female awkwardly smiled, before quickly scurrying away.
The two males watched her go, Masaomi in confusion and Wataru in amusement.
"I like her! She seems like a fun nee-San~!" The small blond giggled.
Masaomi, in reply, hummed softly as he ruffled his younger brother's hair. Then he glanced at the folder in his other hand.

The man had looked very familiar to me. Though at the time I just couldn't figure out where I had seen him.
It was, honestly, stupid of me. I should've known better. That way I wouldn't have made the mistakes that I had.

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