Chapter 8

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This isn't edited...

Harry's POV

Professor Moody finished the lesson as soon as Sophie ran out of the room, Hermione tailing after her. I have so many questions about her as to why she left, but I couldn't worry about that, I needed to find her and Hermione and make sure she was ok. Professor Moody kept me back after but I wasn't in the mood for anything right now. (No pun intended!)

"Mr Potter, Professor Dumbledore has required for you to see him in his office, and he also said he likes lemon drops." Moody said as I was about to walk out to find the girls. 

"Ron, you go find the girls and I'll meet up with you later." I said as I walked in the other direction to Professor Dumbledores office.

"Sure mate, hope whatever it is goes well." Ron called as he ran off to find the others.

I made my way up to Dumbledores office when I came to the entrance guarded by a gargoyle. I thought of the password when I thought of what Professor Moody said before

"Lemon drops"

And with that the gargoyle moved out of the way, allowing me to go through. Once I reached Dumbledores office, see seemed to notice I was there when I entered and stood up.

"Ah, Harry I believe you came from the orders of Alastor that I wanted to talk to you." he said casually before sitting down back at his desk.

"Yes sir, what was it you wanted to talk about?" I asked wanting to get as soon as possible. Its not that I don't want to be here, I want to find my friends and comfort Sophie. 

"I believe that you know of Sophie Krum, seeing as she hangs around you." Dumbledore said as I took a seat in front of his desk.

"Um yeah but why?" I questioned, what is this leading to

"Well this may come to a shock to you but Sophie Krum is actually Sophie Potter."

I couldn't believe him, yeah she looks a lot like mum but it can't be right. She is Krum's sister, not mine.

"Harry I know your in shock and will deny it but it is true, the prophecy states there Chosen Twins, but people believed she died to they tried to change it. But still to this day you are one of the chosen twins, and Sophie is the other." Dumbledore said interrupting my train of thought.

"But how do I know if your lying or not?" said my voice laced with suspicion as I stared at the man who just said I have a sister, and I already know her.

"It's up too you whether you believe me or not, but if you want proof here it is." he said handing me a birth certificate, I knew it was her's when I read the top


31st July 1980

I couldn't believe that I had a sister. I thought I had no family left, when I do right in front of me.

"Harry, you mustn't tell anyone of this especially Sophie, its for her protection against Voldemort. She plays a very important role in the prophecy." Dumbledore said, I hated that his voice was so calm and collected about it. She should be in danger if Voldemort found out that she was alive and here.

"Ok, but when will I be able to tell her?" I asked hoping I could soon.

"Soon Harry, soon" he said. I knew that that was my queue to leave.

I was walking towards the potions considering the convocation took all lunch. I thought about what I had just learnt, still in shock when I ran into someone

"Watch where your going Potter" It was Malfoy, I just ignored him and continued my way when he stopped me

"Hey, I'm talking to you Potter. What you daydreaming about someone, probably Mudblood Granger if you ask...." he was cut by a spell and flew across the room

"Call her a Mudblood again, I dare you" Sophie came into view sneering at him with her eyes filled with hatred, they were red and if looks could kill Malfoy would be 6 no like 50  feet under.

Malfoy shot Sophie a glare and ran of with his goonies probably to the Slytherin common room to badmouth Sophie to everyone.

Looking back at Sophie I noticed her eyes weren't red any puffy, but looked like she hadn't cried at all and nothing happened

"Sorry about him, he's a self-absorbed git, are you ok?"I said walking towards them both asking Sophie and Hermione

"Yeah" they both responded, but Sophie was really calm and it scared me.

We continued to walk towards the potions classroom hoping that nothing else would go wrong today. Little did I knew that everything would go wrong.


Hey wizardry kids! 

I'll be on camp for the next week so there will be no updates during then. I'm trying to update as frequent as possible from now on.



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