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"Hold up, they don't love you like I love you.
Slow down, they don't love you like I love you," Vanessa sang as she smacked on green grapes.

It was the beginning of February and the two of us were in me and Kareem's bedroom. I was doing Vanessa's hair for her gender reveal baby shower. Although we all tried to bribe her, she would just take what we were offering and not tell us the gender of she and Kaseem's baby. Eventually we got tired of her shit and just decided to be patient and wait until they decided to tell us.

Once we gave up, Vanessa felt that it would be a good time to inform us that she didn't know the gender either. Granny was that only person that had seen the envelope with the baby's gender in it and we knew not to go ask her anything about it.

Vanessa snaked her body to the rhythm of the music and I sighed, moving the flat iron away from her head. Since forever, Vanessa held one of the worst heads ever and then had the nerve to be mildly tender headed. I was getting ready to just give up on what I was doing and let her walk around looking like Who did it, and why?

"Be your ass still before I burn you," I spoke, accidentally rhyming with the lyrics to Beyonce's Hold Up.

Like I knew she would, Vanessa put her hand on her chest and gasped, "You'll probably do it on purpose."

My face tuned up at the sound of that. She obviously didn't know that I played no games. "When did the words on accident come out my mouth? Okay then."

Rolling her eyes, Vanessa sat straight up and continued eating her grapes. "You're so rude."

I bet her ass will be still though.

The two of us rapped along to Kevin Gates' Ask for More as I sectioned off another piece of Vanessa's Peruvian weave. Since she was in favor of having a girl, Vanessa wore a baby pink tube dress, that really exposed her large stomach, nude sandal heels, diamond studs, a matching, gold Audemars on her wrist, natural makeup, and glossy lips. Simple, but cute.

Oh yes, my baby sister was looking nice.

"Guess what," Vanessa spoke after a few minutes.

"What," I replied, expecting her to just tell me what so that we could go on with the conversation. But, Vanessa being the asshole she is, of course she had to make my life hard.

"You're supposed to guess, Tori," she groaned, pouting at me through the mirror. I stopped what I was doing to give her one of my infamous faces to make sure she knew I wasn't playing with her.

"If you don't tell me what, you're gonna be having a conversation with yourself."

"Kaseem is planning on going back to school." She grinned

"I'm proud of him," I spoke honestly. "How does this make you feel," I questioned because I was more than sure she wanted to keep going. I didn't mind listening to her talk though.

Vanessa looked down, playing with her fingers as she gathered her thoughts before looking up and through the mirror at me. "Honestly, it makes me emotional, but that's not surprising. In the beginning of our relationship he would talk about how the streets are his life and how he didn't see himself doing anything else. Of course I didn't agree with it and I saw the potential for something better, but I love the boy and I can't change him. But it's almost two years later and he wants to get in line for our child. I couldn't ask for anything better."

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