The Dinner

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  Spike sat next to Dream and Bear while Mist sat next to Sun and Ever. Free sat at the end of the table with Blue to her right and Spice to her left. As the feast began, Sun noticed Mist eyeing the turkey. "Go ahead!" he laughed, pointing at it. She nodded gratefully and cut off a piece of it and placed it on her plate. He grabbed some for himself and ate it quickly and neatly. Mist watched in awe. Just then, Free got up and rushed back to her room, eyes shadowed and her bow bouncing.
  Sun apologized to everyone before following her. "What's wrong, Free?" Sun asked worriedly. Free looked at him, sorrow and guilt shining in her eyes. Mom and Dad should be here for this," she cried softly. He sat down in front of her, closing his eye. "It's not your fault they're dead. You couldn't have done anything," he told her. When he opened his eye, he saw her smiling with her eyes closed, tears wiped away. "Thank you, Sun. Now let's get out there!" she added. He nodded, smiling. When they came out everyone turned to look at them. "Let us feast!" Sun announced. As the dinner continued, he noticed something spark in Mist's eyes when she looked at him. Was it...... Love?

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