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  Ring's POV
I had just killed Shadow. I loved the taste of his blood in his mouth. Just then, I heard footsteps. I turned to look at everyone else. They weren't the source of the sound. Then, I saw an Umbreon. He had green rings and green eyes. I wanted to greet him but I couldn't move. I felt strong power coming from him. I started to shake as he locked his gaze on me and padded up to me. I couldn't breathe. Was this what fear felt like? If so, I didn't want any of it. I took deep breaths and glared at him. He seemed taken aback. I smirked and stuck out my tongue. He growled and pinned me down. I felt him get off and walk past me, all the way to Shadow. Placing his paw on Shadow, he closed his eyes. I looked in astonishment as red light burst out from Shadow. When it was gone, I saw Shadow's body start to turn to dust. He did the same to Free. "What did you do to them?" I asked, snarling. "Sent them to the shadow realm. He answered simply. I tilted my head, confused. "The shadow realm?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "Oh, I'm Grimreaper. I send pokemon who die to the shadow realm," he explained I nodded and introduced myself. After, he explained what the shadow realm was. By now, everyone was crowding around him. Just then, an Espeon came. Grimreaper blushed. "Hi Crystal," he said, looking at her. The Espeon nodded and looked around. "Guess you got to them first," she sighed. (I'm having Grimreaper have the power to send pokemon to the shadow realm while Crystal can revive the dead who aren't in the shadow realm already) Grimreaper nodded. Crystal purred as they walked away and disappeared.

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