Amelia Bones and the Golden Apple Tree

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  • Dedicated to My mom

Disclaimer: i actually own this, i wrote it AND came up with the idea, so legally this is mine. Thanks- Allora


Under the starry sky,

There was a city of bones.

And that city was in a land of bones.

The land and city are full of bones,

Because it is Death's home.

The bones still live, all young and old,

And still try to get home.

All who tried, failed and died,

All save for one.

Her name was Amelia Bones.

She made a ship of dead, old wood

To cross the sea of bones

So she could reunite with her family once again.

Her journey across the Bony Sea

Took twenty days and twenty nights

Just to find the Silver Sea.

To be a creature of flesh and blood again,

Amelia must go and find the Golden Apple Tree.

Though to find the Golden Apple Tee,

She must cross the Silver Sea

To sail upon the Golden Sea.

In her journey across the Silver Sea,

Tempted she shall be to feast upon an apple from the Silver Apple Tree.

She shall ignore the temptation

From the Silver Apple Tree.

Monsters from the Bony Sea

Hinder her steps across the Silver Sea.

Then one day, under the golden Sun,

She found she had reached the Golden Sea.

And as she sailed across Golden Sea,

She found the Golden Apple Tree.

Twas it resting and blooming

Upon an isle made of crystal and flowers

In the middle of the Golden Sea.

She named the isle, The Isle of Hope.

She docked her battered and tired ship

Upon the shining isle's shore.

She, the, hiked all day and hiked all night

To find the Golden Apple Tree.

She found the Golden Apple Tree

On the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year.

And then, she ate a sweet apple from the Golden Apple Tree.

She soon felt things she had long forgotten,

Her heart was beating,

Her blood began to flow,

And she felt the joy of being part of the living realm again.

Thus her journey to the Golden Apple Tree was over,

But her journey home had just begun.

It took her a year and twenty days

To return home to Mark Bones, her loving husband,

And their daughter, Amanda Bones.

They had shed

Tears of joy,

And hugs full of love,

And still had love to spare.

Though when death finally came back to her once again,

She would go peacefully with her loved ones, Mark and Amanda.

The End.


I wrote this in Seventh grade, so don't blame me if it sucks. It was only my first REAL try at writing. Well thanks for reading my poetry,

Ja ne- Allora

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