Chapter 15 - Getting Prepped

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Cameron's POV

I just did not feel in the mood I had got into an argument with my mum but going to Rocky's house would surely calm me down. But when I got there she was acting weird not her usual quirky self. She showed me a piece of paper her hands trembling in fear. I saw it and just didn't know what to do. My fist tightened and my veins were now sticking out. I stormed out the house into the pouring rain. Who would think of doing something so horrible? I just drove off because I didnt want Rocky to see my angry side.

I didn't go straight home. I went to my favourite diner and ordered the usual. I sat down and thought to myself. " How can I hurt her like that? She was my bestfriend". I didnt feel like going home but had to my mum was a handful she could talk for hours on end.

When I got home I went to my room and just listened to music to drown out my mum.

Next morning, I felt guilty for just leaving Rocky like that all by herself so I tried calling her a few times but it went straight to voicemail. I drove to school and was listening to bashment on the way there. I wanted to look cool so was throwing my keys up and catching it with one hand then it fell down on the ground and just as that happened someone walked past and kicked my keys down the drain. What? My day just went from bad to worse in under a minute. Why did I have to be so stupid? Well, there was nothing I could do so I just walked into school.

Rocky talked to me and I shrugged her off. I just did not have anything to say to her. I have my own problems and my own issues to deal with rather than having to sort someone elses life out. I avoided her for the whole day. Skipping lessons and pretending to help out with the library.

I was disturbed by a call by my mum. I was not going to apologise to her.  So I cut off the call and did that a further six times. She left voice messages. I still ignored. She would also be mad at me for losing my car keys.

I just went around banging on lockers as I went by. I saw a paramedics but thought some stupid child was in there. Someone that cut themself with a scissors. My school was strict on safety. Even a cut would get you referred to the hospital. No one that would affect me? I walked home not only because I did not have my keys but because I just needed to clear my head. On my way home all I just thought about was Rocky. I hadn't heard from her or seen her since the beginning of the day. She was her own person. I could not control her. I got home and my mum looked angry and worried.

" Where have you been you inconsiderate boy? Not to mention the fact that I have called you six times and left numerous voice messages and you cannot pick up?". She was fuming. I knew not to give a stupid response. So I had to think twice before I answered.

" Was it something important?".

" Something important... Rochelle has been rushed off to hospital. She fainted in lesson she is currently in an induced coma. Now let us go. Grab your coat which is...,".

" In my car which I lost the keys to". Saying now because she was upset. She just nodded and we set off to the hospital. ( A life lesson always tell your parents a bad thing when something worse is happening. ). My heart was hurting it was beating too fast for me to handle. When she needed me I was not there for her. How could I be so inconsiderate? Induced coma? My head was all over the place. I could not think straight when I got there I would find out what really happened. As soon as we got to the hospital before my mum even stopped the car. I jumped out while it was in motion. Stupid thing to do because now I think I have sprained my ankle. But I was not here for myself so I just limped into the hospital and when to the Reception desk. " Do you have a girl named Rochelle in this ward?". She had an attitude on her. If not for the fact that she was a woman. I would have punched her right in her face. " Rochelle, well....we have three admitted patients of that name. What is her surname?".

Then I realised since the time I have known Rocky I have never asked or known her surname. " Umm... Just give me all three, ". You have got to be kidding me all three of them were on comletely different wards on either side if the building. So I limped in pain, to try and get to the Purple Wing but the registrar called me back " You need to be seen about your leg. I am not a doctor but I know that walking on it is 100x worse". Is she being serious? I do not have time for this. " Ah, here is one of our doctors now. Sir, he is limping on his leg could you check it out?".

This woman did not know what the statement. ' Mind your own business ' meant. " But... But... I am not here for myself...". The doctor just ignored and took me for an X- Ray scan. We will put you on one of our wards while we wait for your results. I just agreed if I did not comply I could permanently damage my foot. So he gave me a pair of crutches for support for the meanwhile. An hour later I was still waiting and went in search for a vending machine cause I was thirsty. There was one as I was going round the corner when I bumped into two people. I shouted "Watch it!". As they turned around their facial expression was horrific as if they were in a horror movie. It was Rocky's mum and dad. I was so surprised it was as if I was paralysed with fear waiting to see what was said.

" Hello Cameron, she is in Purple Ward. She is... See for yourself". I snapped out quickly and just limped as fast I could with aid from my crutches. I slammed the door open there she was a limp, lifeless being, pale she was white as a ghost. She just looked at ease as if she wasnt in pain. I just wanted to switch places with her. She did not deserve this. " Rocky if you can hear me just know I love you and am sorry for all the things that were done to you. I swear I would tell you everything just wake up, please". I was pleading for her to be okay. What would life be like without Rocky? It would be a life not worth living.

The doctor walked in and that is when my mum walked in with Rocky's mum and dad. " The results show that has a tumour in her brain and it has spread over the course of the month. But we can operate. But with every operation there is always some risks."He passed the consent form over to her parents and without hesitation they signed the form and she was being prepped for her surgery. I was shaking. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran out. Her mum said " Cameron... She needs you here". My mum replied " Leave him, he needs some time to himself". I just ran as far away from the hospital as I could. Not to home but anywhere I could be alone. I just kept running non- stop and didnt turn back round...

I know I said I will update on Friday and today is Saturday. But.. Sorry. I tried to write alot. * sore fingers*. Still have a more chapters to go though. If anyone wants to design a cover. I would do a dedication to them and send everyone I know there books. Promise.

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