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You have 2 unread messages

stalker af sent: lol i told you youd get caught
Rowbert sent: Vik Vik Vik Vik Brandon got detention is it time to panic! yet


stalker af sent at 9:17 AM
lol i told you youd get caught
You read at 2:14 PM

You sent at 2:14 PM
fuck you
Read at 2:14 PM

stalker af sent at 2:14 PM
oh please do ;)
You read at 2:14 PM

stalker af sent at 2:14 PM
or maybe the other way around id prefer that i think
You read at 2:14 PM

You sent at 2:15 PM
keep dreaming youll never fuck me in your life
Read at 2:15 PM

stalker af sent at 2:15 PM
the tent in your pants says otherwise
You read at 2:15 PM

You sent at 2:15 PM
Read at 2:15 PM

You sent at 2:15 PM
and that isnt a fucking boner thats my pants being weird
Read at 2:15 PM

STALKER sent at 2:16 PM
prove it
You read at 2:16 PM

You sent at 2:16 PM
how the fuck does one prove the fact that IM NOT TURNED ON
Read at 2:16 PM

You sent at 2:16 PM
*without looking like im trying to masturbate
Read at 2:16 PM

STALKER sent at 2:16 PM
how should i know its not my dick
You read at 2:16 PM

Fuck Me✯Vikklan AUWhere stories live. Discover now