the death

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The rest of the ponys scream pinkie says "its raritys turn!" spike says "wait are you guys playing a game can i play too?" but befor he knew it he was stepped on by pinkie "now lets get back to work" "spike no!" twilight screams. Pinkie says" oh rarity you need a mane cut" she cut rarity's mane along with the skin holding it. "No this is a terrible thing to do Pinkie pie" while screaming she turned to flutter shy "oh no please dont" she said pinkie had tied flutter shy's animals and then she put them in flutter shy's mouth and shoved it down her throat which ended up killing her. She to rarity and with thd rope she tied the animals with hung rarity. Then to Apple Jack she smiled at then Apple Jack put on a fake grin then pinkie pie filled Apple Jack with air and Apple Jack exploded then she looked at twilight and said "well what do we have here?" twilight begged for mercy and pinkie pie refused then slowly pinkie pie made the table stand up and pinkie pie painted a target on twilight's tummy and threw the knife right in the middle "woo hoo score!" the end

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