Chapter 4

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I see a boy in the corner looking at me with his bright green eyes. He has dark hair, muscular figure oh and an amazing fashion sense.

At the end of English this blonde haired girl comes over to me. "Hey, your Alexia right?" Yay introductions. "Yeah that's right" "Hi I'm Chelsea, what class have you got next" "maths with Mrs Jones" "I'm in the same maths class as you, let's walk together" "okay." So I spend the rest of the day walking around with Chelsea and meeting a bunch of her mates. They all seem really nice!

There's Mason, John who's with Harriet, Jack, River, Poppy and Alfie who I have yet to meet. They explain to me as we sit down for lunch that they always sit in the same lunch seat everyday and luckily there's a spear seat in the middle of Chelsea and Alfie.

We only have a 40 minuet lunch break but that's fine as I've been to a couple of schools where they've had only 30 minuets or less.

"Are you going to have anything for lunch?" Poppy asks me. "I'm not hungry." I say as though I'm a robot, no emotion, no stutter just the same tone reading an everyday script. The boy that was looking at me earlier came and sat down beside me. He must be Alfie. Chelsea introduces us and he just replies with a simple nod as though he's not bothered. I look up from chatting to Harriet and see Alfie staring at the table where my lunch is missing.

The boys in Chelsea's group (especially Alfie) are  known as players and tough guy's which is explained to me by Mason as he says "don't worry about Alfie, he's like that with new people."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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