Chapter 2: The Boy at The Party

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*Warning: this whole chapter and the whole book is unedited! I do make spelling mistakes! Read at your own risk!* Special thanks to my freind, @Ladyb111 for encouraging me to write this! Plz make sure to check out her story, The Silent School. also, plz follow her! SHE IS AN AWESOME PERSON! Also, plz comment with what you think about this story and who you think the High Enforcer is! -thesilentmusiclover 

Chapter 2: The boy at the party

Oh my god, is this totally cute boy who I just called a bitch talking to me???? I couldn't help but wonder. I smiled shyly at him, the complete opposite of what I normally do. How can this boy do this to me? We just met, how can I be falling for him??

"Um... hi" I said, blushing hard. I really hope it's dark enough so he can't see it. “Sorry for calling you a bitch and all that."

“It’s ok," he said, still smiling at me. “No harm, no foul. Right?" I noticed that the words came out in a British accent. Awesome!

I laughed. “Ok," I agreed. “Are you from England, and how come you’re not wearing your Halloween costume?" I teased him, my blue eyes twinkling at his blue eyes. Oh my god! Am I flirting with him??

" Yes and I'm not wearing it because my little brother 'accidently' burnt it" He laughed. I loved his laugh, it was like bells ringing in a blissful night, happy and carefree as a child. Not a lot of people have that type of laugh anymore.

“Yeah, brothers can be like that.” I agreed. “You should have seen how much trouble my brother got into when I destroyed all my makeup.”

“ You don’t seem like the type of girl to use makeup.” He said teasingly. “I mean, you already look beautiful without it.”

I blushed at that comment, hiding my face behind my long, wavy, blonde hair. Did he just compliment my looks??

He smiled at me and I smiled back. He really has a nice smile. It’s closed mouth, but I don’t mind. I don’t really like boys who smile with their teeth, it’s like they are trying to show off how gorgeous and fake they are.

“So, um, what’s your name?” He asked brushing his black hair out of his gorgeous eyes.

“Bianca.” I answered, staring down at the ground, then at the boy, then back at the ground. “What’s yours?”

“Aron,” he answered back. “Aron Monroe.”

“Well,” I teased him, smiling my best smile at him, something I rarely do to anyone. “Aron, Aron Monroe, would you like to go to this illegal party with me?”

He laughed and pretended to be thinking hard. His chin was in his palm and his posture rivaled that of “The Thinking Man.”

"Well," he said, teasing back, "When you put it that way... I'm going to have to say yes." He grabbed my hand (my hand! SQUEE!) and started pulling, no dragging, me towards the McKane barn. We were both laughing and practacally running. It was one of the last happy moments in my life.


Once Aron and I entered the McKane barn, we left the strict orders of the outside world behind, and entered the chaotic, beautiful depths of a world ruled by kids and teens. A world with no laws, and all that matters is the here and now. Forget the past, its behind you. Don't give a shit about the future, it's not here yet. In other words, it was perfect and somewhat magical. And I loved it.

The inside of the barn was lit up in vibrant hues of blues, greens, golds, and oranges. Red and violet. The hard wood floor was showing, darkand scuffed up from all the leaping and bounding feet. Vampires danced with werewolves, pirates with fairys and angels. The sound of Black Veil Brides came blasting and booming down at the carefree masses from 6ft by 4ft speakers, stratigaclly put at the two haylofts 12-16 ft up off the ground.

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