Chapter 61-Just Tell Me!-

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"LIN WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME!" I begged for the last time.

"I told you Little Liza, it's a surprise," Lin answered for the last time.



"This is the standby call, standby" The speaker said cutting him off.

"Sorry Liza gotta run!" He ran out of the dressing room down by the stage. "Grrr," I grumbled. The cast had a week off starting tomorrow, which was Sunday March 1st. We were going somewhere but no one would tell me where. I didn't even get to pack my own suit case because it was a 'hint' at where we were going.

Desperate times calls for drastic measures. I waited a second then I walked down and saw everyone was out on stage, except Rory. Oh poor Rory but I needed to know.

"Hey Rory," I said smiling to him.

"Oh hey Eliza," he said looking back down at his magazine.

"Whatcha reading," I asked kindly.

"A magazine..." He said suspiciously.

"Oh that's nice, I like your... king outfit," I said.

"I'm not telling you where you're going if that's what you want," he said closing his magazine.

"What that's crazy why would I," he stared into my eyes and I cracked, "please Rory! Why is no one telling me I need to know!" I begged.

"I'm not saying a word my dear!" He answered.

"But-" just then everyone came off stage.

"Eliza are you trying to get Rory to tell you where we're going!" Pippa accused. I froze and turned to smile at them. "Pippa what a lovely dress can-"

"ELIZA!" She accused again.

"Okay fine I was but no one is telling me!" I said stomping my foot.

"Anthony you're going to miss your cue!" Rachel one of the stage managers called out. Anthony smiled at us then ran off with Daveed and Oak.

Time Skip

We were now at the theater it was very early Sunday morning. I was looking for the tour bus, wondering if it was late. The only ones coming were Vanessa, Sebby, Lin, Pippa, Renee, Daveed, Jazzy, Oak, Anthony, and Lin. Everyone else couldn't make it. Once the last ones showed up, it was Jazzy and Anthony surprise, surprise (If I have to share a room with them, I'm buying sound proof headphones.)

"So where's the bus?" I asked.

"What bus?" Lin asked.

"You know the bus where taking?" I asked.

"Oh! No were flying," he said. I froze. I hated heights. I hated being in small spaces for long periods of time. "Is that okay?" He asked.

"Oh yeah uh it's fine," I said trying to play it off like I didn't care. But really I was freaking out.

We got to the air port eventually and then as we got through secrutiy and all that jazz we made it to our gate. "So now can somebody please tell me where we're going?" I asked.

"Fine we're going to Saint Croix in the Carribean!" Lin said excitedly. My mouth dropped, I was going home. I hadn't been there in 4 years oh I missed it so much. I was going to be on a plan for about 5 and a half hours

"Really!" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah," Lin answered.

"Wait a second. Are going on a historical trip or a fun trip, because if I have to sit and listen to you talk about the trading business back then I'm going to stab myself with a spoon," I said to him seriously.

"I agree with the lady, I'm going snorkeling and scuba diving!" Pippa said happily, which I don't know how she did it was like 5 a.m even Sebastian was fast asleep.

"You guysss!" Lin complained.

"No go talk to Ron while we're on the beach," Vanessa said holding Sebastian.

"But I won't even have good cell service!" Lin complained again.

"We are now calling first class borders for the flight 546 to St. Croix in the Carrribean, I repeat first class borders for the flight 546 to St. Croix in the Carrribean," the flight attendant called. We all got up, it was actually a really small flight since not many people traveled in march.

We walked onto the plane and it turns out I was next to Daveed. That was fine, I'm sure he would fall asleep so he wouldn't bother me. Yet again he was a really loud snorer. I put my small carry on backpack under the seat in front of me. Apartently Vanessa, Sebastian, and I were all sharing a huge back which was under the plane.

Mostly everyone was on the plane by now, and I was sitting in the window seat trying to calm my breathing. Eventually the flight attendant came out explaining what to do in a crash, which didn't help my growing nerves. I read this morning that most plane crashes happen right after take off or when you land (A/N: thanks Shane Dawson video.)

We now began the process of moving down the different runways. At this point I could feel the walls closing in. My breathing was speeding up. We were going to crash everyone I love was going to die. They were going to die again I can't let them-

"Hey Eliza are you okay?" Daveed asked me. I looked at him with a panicked look. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I've never been in a plane. They scare me. Were going to die. Oh god. Oh god. Oh-" I was panicking the world was spinning.

"Hey Eliza listen to me," he paused to make sure I was looking at him. "this plane is going to make it safe okay? I'm not a math guy- wait shit I kinda am I meant to say millions of planes land safely every day. Actually probably not millions thousands of planes land safely every day. In every thousand of those planes only a few crash." He said.

"But what if we're one of those few?" I asked worriedly.

"Eliza I promise you we're not going to be. Do you think Lin would ever make us do something that wasn't safe?" He asked. I shook my head no. "That's right. Now we are going to take off in about 3 minutes. When we take off you need to squeeze my hand as tight as you can and count to 3,000. For every number you say is a plane that took off and landed successfully okay?" He asked in a calm voice. I nodded slowly.

The plane started to speed up and I reached for Daveed's hand. I squeezed it tight and started to count shutting my eyes. 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-... and I counted until I slowly felt myself drift to sleep.

A/N: See I told you this chapter would be better! I am not afraid of planes in the slightest I actually think flying really fun, but I figured Eliza should be afraid. I hope you all liked it, and if you do have a fear of flying try this trick, I read it online. (Yeah that's right I do research for this story lol.) Braces update: I actually have ripped skin on the inside of my mouth from where the metal is rubbing. Love you all loads, I start school soon.

If you're already in school, then I hope it's going well. If it's not don't worry you've probably already made it half way through the education system. And if you haven't, well I don't recommend this book to be read under 5th grade. Anyway <3

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