Chapter 49 -Disney Movies-

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Lin turned the key and I walked in and saw Vanessa asleep on the couch. I went up to her and as soon as I walked by her eyes shot open. "Eliza?" She asked.

"Hey," I answered.

"Am I dreaming?" She whispered.

"I don't think so," I answered smiling. She pulled me down in a hug and I hugged her back.

Time Skip

I opened my eyes and yawned loudly. I sat up and then I saw Lin sitting in a chair fast asleep. I yelped which woke him up, he jumped up and look around. "Did you forget you had a bed or something?" I asked confused.

"No it's just last time when I woke up you were gone so I decided to stay and watch you sleep."

"That's either really sweet or really creepy," I answered.

"Come on it's Sunday and I have big things planned!" He said pulling me out of bed. I walked downstairs with him groggily. "We are having a Disney movie marathon today since V just won her case so she's off, Javilton is on tonight, and Sebastain doesn't have much plans. So we need to build a fort, let's go!" He said. So we did we grabbed a lot of blankets and pillows and set them up in the living room.

"We are watching Tangled first and that is final," he said.

"No way it's beauty and the beast!" We argued then we heard a snap and it was Vanessa who was standing in her PJ's with her phone, and she definitely just took a picture. "Oh that is going to be the best picture on twitter!"

"NO!" We both shouted and ran to stop her.

"HA to late!" She answered I ran up to my room and looked at my phone.

@VAMNit: Our Eliza's back and yes they are arguing over what Disney movie to watch.

(Insert picture of them mid argument)

I groaned, I looked like an angry Gorilla but Lin looked a little more funny than me. I picked up my phone and went to Sebby's room. He was sitting up in his crib and his eyes lit up when he say me. "Iza!" He exclaimed.

"Hey buddy!" I said hobbling to him. Apartently we had an appointment at 6 tonight for a checkup. I picked him up and he pulled me into a tight hug. "I missed you!" He said smiling. I smiled back to him, "I missed you to!"

Time Skip

"Bonjour!" I sang

"Bonjour!"Lin sang

"Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour!" We sang together

"There goes the baker with his tray like always!" I sang to him, and we basically continued throughout every movie singing along obnoxiously loud and Vanessa had never rolled her eyes so many times more in her life and Sebastian giggled a lot. Then we put in frozen, and I have to say Lin took the cake for being annoying.

@Eliza.Sky: Currently on frozen you guys. Lin won't go a second without screaming THAT'S GROFF! (Jonalin is real) and now is butchering Let it Go. I have to say Idina does it WAYYY better.

@Lin_Manuel: Whatever you're just jealous of these vocal cords, also Jonalin?

@Eliza.Sky: ...

Time Skip

I was sitting in the E.R room with Lin. "I think they know us by name here," I answered smiling.

"Yeah," he answered nodding. The door opened and in came the doc, "Hi Eliza."

"Hey doctor Kingsley."

"So I can safely say that you didn't break or sprain anything. There was some swelling, I can give you some wrap which will help." On the way home Lin got a call, "Okay... Oh I'll tell her... Yeah see ya soon," then he hung up.

"Well apparently you're on tonight as Pippa is in Greece and Careligh is out with the flu," He said, so we then turned around and made our way to the Rodgers. We signed a few things at the stage door trying to dodge the questions and made our way inside.

Once inside, Lin went to go talk to Tommy and I went to go to Pippa's dressing room because I didn't have my own. On my way up on the stairs I looked to my left and saw Jasmine and Anthony lips locked. "OH GOD MY EYES MY EYES!" I ran into Pippa's dressing room shielding my face. I started to brush my hair which I never bothered to brush after my shower this morning so it was a tangled mess.

I was humming some Adele songs when Stacy the mic person came in to stick the mic on. Atfter changing I walked down the stairs to the room. I was pushed in a circle and then Chris started to speak. "Lord we all want to thank you for Eliza. We thank you that you gave her back to us, also that you brought her into our lives. On another note thank you for the success and we hope we do well tonight." Then we all chorus amen and I tried really hard not to cry.

Then Leslie ruined it.

"Damn it! Did I miss prayer group again!" He yelled zipping up his left boot.

"Leslie we were having a moment," Chris said annoyed.

"LESLIE YOU'RE ON IN LIKE TWO SECONDS!" I heard one of the stage managers yell. He smiled and ran off, I swear to god that man.

Time Skip (tomorrow which is a Monday)

Lin's POV

"For peat sakes did you all forget it, it goes left, right, then around!" Andy said rolling his eyes. I sighed and checked my phone which was now ringing I answered it. "Hello?" I asked.

"Mr. Miranda your daughter has punched someone in the face and you are needed to pick her up."

A/N: Check Luis A Miranda Jr's twitter because OMG OMG OMG.-

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