Chapter 2

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Sometime have passed and now Vivian is in 1st grade. She stared to feel really confident about this because she knows that she will be making more new friends. Vivian may be a nice girl but she is really shy. If you get to know Vivian then she would start to open up and talk to you.

Vivian made a friend name Sonny and he is really nice. They would always talk together when they go to lunch. And after they finish getting lunch they would walk together to their table. Sonny and Vivian would always talk to each other at lunch. When it's time for recess Vivian and Sonny would play with each other on the swing or just walk around talking. Sonny even gave her a pet rock! It was so cute!

One day as Sonny and Vivian talk to each other when they head to lunch a guy from her class started saying that Sonny and Vivian are dating. Vivian was really mad that they were talking about her and Sonny dating even though it wasn't true.

If Vivian and Sonny were walking by each other the guys would say that they are holding hands. When they talk the guys would say that they are dating. Even on the last day of school the guys still wouldn't stop saying that Sonny and Vivian are dating. To bad, when she got to the next grade level Sonny had moved to a new school.

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