12 News

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She wakes up and notices that she was sleeping with Shu.

"Ah! Shu-sama." Her voice woke him up.

"So noisy.." He grumbles.

"I apologize. Please to back to sleep." She notices that she was in different clothings when she passed out. "Shu-sama...did you change my clothes?"

"Yea. So what." He opens one eye lazily. "By the way you wear such kinky underwear."

"SHU-SAMA! Don't look at others stuff without asking!!" She blushes a deep red.

"Not my fault you fainted." He said.


Suddenly Shu grabs her wrist and pulls her on the bed with him. Their faces were inches apart.

"Quit being noisy. I'll punish you." He licks his lips seductively.

"Shu-sama! I haven't took a bath yet! Please wait until I come out." She tried to free herself but he was to strong.

"It's such a pain to wait make it fast." He orders.

She runs out and grabs her things immidiately and went in the shower.

"Hahh..." She relaxes in the tub of water.

After washing herself she got her towel and wrapped it around her body. Just as she wore her bra and undies suddenly someone pushes her to the cold wall.

"I've been waiting kitten~" Laito purrs in your ear.

"Laito-sama! Not now!!"

"Dosen't matter. Actually this is a lot better." He licks her earlobe and made her shiver.

He gently slides both of them down to the slightly wet floor.

"I'll be taking a bite right here." He trails his fingers down to her thighs.

"N-not there."

"No choice." He smirks and sank his fangs. "I enjoy this expression of yours."

He looks up while sucking her blood, so that he could get a good look at her face.

"La-ito...-sama." She was still pinned down.

"Sweet as always." He smirks and kisses the mark he made. "Thanks for the drink kitten." He winks and disappears.

The blood from her thigh dripped down to the floor making the puddle of water in the floor pinkish.

"What happened here?" Shu suddenly opens the bathroom door and sees her panting hard on the cold floor.

"Laito-sama came in here..." She was breathing heavily slightly having pink cheeks.

"That idiot." He picks her up in his arms birdal style. He notices how cold she was. "Your cold..."

"I'm sorry Shu-sama...you to be taking care of me..." She lowers her head.

He dosen't reply and puts her on the bed still wearing her undies. He climbs on top of her pinning her arms down. She didn't resist anymore. He deserved her blood.

"They don't even bother cleaning up." He sank his fangs onto her neck.

"Nggghh..." She felt more pleasure than pain when he bit her.

"You horny girl." Shu teases her.

"S-shu-sama!" She scolds but it comes out as a whimper.

"Those bastards can't even heal your wounds." He takes off every band aid there is. "I'll heals these for you."

He starts licking her neck, shoulder, thigh and wrist. Everytime he licks she whimpers out a small moan.

"There, all healed." He dropped to the bed.

"Th-thank you Shu-sama." She shyly covers her body with the sheets.

"Don't need to hide. You look better without clothes anyway." He pulls the sheets to only make her pull them back.

"Perverttt. Shu-sama is a pervert..." She teases him.

"Don't call me that." He lazily sighs.

"Hehehe I shall go and make everyone food now. Please excuse me." She got dresses and before she went out she gave him a quick peck on the cheeks.

After making their food she placed the food on the table ready to serve.

"Morning my kitten~" Laito hung hus arm around her.

"Good morning Laito-sama." She greeted.

"Oi! Laito don't touch what is yours truly!" Ayato suddenly jerks her back from Laito's hold.

"Thats not fair Ayatoo~" Laito whines.

"Good morning to you too Ayato-sama." She smiles as if this was normal which it is.

"Something smells sweet~" Kanato hugged her waist from behind.

"Good morning Kanato-sama." She pat his head.

"Why is everyone so rowdy in the morning?" Reiji enters with an annoyed expression.

"Good morning Reiji-sama. Sorry for the noise. I have made breakfast for everyone."

"Sorry for not helping you."

"Whats thiss? Reiji is apologizingg?" Laito teased.


"It's so early in the morning why is everyone so noisy?!" Subaru appears with a mad expression plastered on his face.

"Good morning Subaru-sama." She set down the last plate on the table.

Everyone sat down and started to eat.

"Um...Aren't we going to wait for Shu-sama?" She tilted her head.

"Don't worry about my idiotic brother. He's always late when it comes to eating." Reiji stuffed a pancake in his mouth in a gentlemanly action.

"Who are you calling idiot Reiji?" Shu appeared in the room which startled all of us.

"S-shu-sama good morning once again." She bows her head.

"I'm hungry." He sat on his chair beside her and stares at the food and to her back and forth.

"Um...Shu-sama? What's wrong? Do you not like the food?" She asks questionly.

"Nah it's fine. Just feed me." He whines like a kid.

"Hahh. Shu-sama next time you have to feed yourself. You can't always slack around." She crossed her arms.

"Alright, alright just feed me."

She sighs in defeat and cut his food and fed him.

"Mmm." He chewed and swallowed. "I missed your cooking."

He geustured her to feed her once more. So she did.

"Oi Shu! You can feed your own damn self!" Ayato shouts.

"It's unfairrr~" Laito purrs.

"Shu feed yourself." Reiji ajusted his glasses.

"Everyone it's okay." She calmed them down to avoid a fight.

"Shu is getting special treatment from Melody, right Teddy?" Kanato chewed a piece of food.

"Just eat damn it!" Subaru groaned.

"Everyone please Karl-sama would not have wanted you to fight over food!" She raised her voice but only realizing she made a big mistake.

"Oh yeah. Where is father?" Once Kanato asked that question. The room went silent.

All eyes were on her. Her face turns sad.



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