50 Blood Bond

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"Finally, alone. It's kind of rude for me to pretend being asleep though." She scrathed the back of her neck sheepishly.

"You...!" Shu looked like he was about to break down. Which he was.

"Shu...Sorry for worrying you." She flashed him the same smile she gave him before she 'died'.

"How are you alive right now?...Is this a dream?" Shu touched her hand, tapping it as if testing that she was real. "You feel warm..."

"I am infact alive and well right now." She kept her smile on. "I love you Shu." She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a loving kiss.

He didn't even protest. Shu gave it his all to express how much worry he had build up inside of his chest through showing his affection for her.

"You missed me this much?" She chuckled as they pulled away.

"You don't know...how much you've made me worried." His facial expression turned into a smirk. "Your going to give me back the blood that I graciously gave you." He supported her back and brushed her hair off her neck.

He pierced her neck and drank her blood slowly, only a minimum amount. The sudden pain turned into a mix of pleasure as she arched her back and squirmed under his grasp.

"I just got healed and now your already drinking my blood huh." She laughed and continue letting him drink.

"Is she ok-" Reiji barged in the room with Kanato, Hina and Subaru. Their worried expression was quickly replaced by a poker face look.

"Shu..." Kanato sighed.

"What the hell are you doing??" Subaru crossed his arms and gave them a disapproving look.

"She just got back and now you do this? Really irresponsible." Reiji shook his head.

"Go away. We need a moment." Shu pulled away and glared at his brothers, but his glare was playful.

"Not when little kitten here gets to be with you." Laito appeared at the right beside the bed.

"She's my pet." Ayato appeared at the left near her drawer.

"I'm sorry to make you all worry...I can explain what happened to my body." She gently urged Shu to pull away and he did only with a disappointed look.

"Go ahead. We are all curious."

"Alright...So I stabbed myself right? Well that really damaged my heart and that caused the poison to seep inside my heart. It seems like the poison targets the heart and kills it. Like it did with mine, but it was only meant to stop my heart beat, as per kill it. After it stopped my heart the poison had done its job and disappeared from my system by you taking out the knife."

"Your blood flushed out the poison?" Reiji asked.

"Yes, it did. And with all of your blood. Here I am alive and well." She flashed a grateful smile. "You all had to save me again, I could never thank you enough."

"You can thank us next time with your blood." Ayato licked his lips.

"He's right." Laito smirked.

"I guess I'm not off the hook yet am I?" She chuckled. They were having a good time when suddenly the door made a creaking sound.

"Why is everybody her-mommy?" Hina peaked from the door when she saw Melody she ran towards her and tackled her into a loving hug. "Mommy!!!"

"Hina!" She laughed as they hugged one another. "Did I make you worry?"

"You did!" Hina pouted.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She patted her little head.

"It's okay! As long as you make me food and play with me I'll forgive you!"

"Hahaha! Alright then." She put Hina down beside her bed.

"Come here Hina. Your mother is still weak." Reiji called for her and Hina was more than happy to go to him.

"I do have a question." Laito got thinking. "How did you know about the poison and everything?"

"Oh about that! You see Jasmine casted a spell on me just before she died. She made a spell for me to understand what was happening inside my body and I will forver be grateful to her." She said with a sad but smiling face.

"That magic is amazing..." Hina's eyes sparkled.

"Teddy is happy." Kanato brought up Teddy to her face.

"I'm glad Teddy is happy." She patted Teddy which seemed to make Kanato break out a small smile.

"I wish that I will be able to bring happiness to everyons here."

As years passed by quickly they all graduated and has started a business with all of their brothers working on it. Alex, Roxy and Diane had already known that she was alive and all of them were of course, delighted to see her up and working. Melody was working with the brothers in the business and throughout the years they have been flourishing. At one point their business was not progressing and almost decided to destroy the company if it wasn't for her they wouldn't have gotten this far. Shu was already 24 and she was 23. At the age of 25 the head of the vampires must arise and become the king like Karlheinz was.

At this point Shu had already been engaged to her and they were at the altar saying their vows.

(Sorry I don't know the exact vows so lets skip that)

"...you may kiss the bride." The priest announces and Shu lift up the veil to have a better view of her face.

"You've waited for so long right?" She chuckled quietly and looked behind her where Shu's brother's were with the three girls, who were her bridesmaids plus Hina, who was her flower girl.

"Too long actually." For one Shu looked really presentable. His usual unruly hair was gelled and he was wearing a quite pricey suit.

They locked eyes as Shu brought his fingers to her chin and connected their lips. That was defineitly the most meaningful kiss they had.

Everyone in the church were only close members of the vampire family and for once her father attended, with a changed heart. Her father was now sobbing while clapping for his daughter.

Shu pulled away from her lips and bit her neck. Melody did the same. This was a ritual vampires do when they get married. They say that drink from your certain inividual at the same time will connect the blood together making you unbreakable. This was called the Blood Bond.
(Totally made up so don't bother searching if it's true)

"I love you with all my heart." Shu gazed at her eyes.

"I know, and I love you too." Melody grinned happily.


The next chapter is going to be a smut so be preapared. Hehehe. The next chappie is the end.


Hey guys! Hows my story? Good? Bad? Well anyways! I made another book called Randomness by LoneWarrior8 and I would really love it if you could show it some love.

You can req animes and scenarios but please provide the all info that can be found in the 1st chapter. As the title says it is random.

Tokyo Ghoul, Haikyuu, Uta No Pri, 7 Deadly Sins, Noragami, Mystic Messenger and all kinds of anime/games can be found there. It's basically where I put all my random ideas that will take months to make into an actual book.

Just a warning I have quite an imaginative mind so hehehe.

Thanks for your time!

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