Burning Passion

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********Ella's P.O.V********

I sat awake on mine and Jake's bed, nervously awaiting his arrival. He had never stayed out late like this before, it was scaring me.

"Dammit, Jake," I muttered, rubbing my temples.

I snatched my phone from my purse and scrolled through my contacts until I found his. I pressed "call" and heard the phone being to dial. After the first ring, it went directly to voicemail. I called again and got the same response. I let out a frustrated groan and slammed the phone on my bed. Where the hell was he? I knew he had his phone with him, and it wasn't like him to ignore me. Thoughts of rage overpowered my worry and I momentarily didn't care what happened to Jake. I quickly brushed those thoughts away and tried to think rationally; he was probably tied up at the moment.

My phone buzzed. I jumped up and quickly grabbed it, it was Jake.

"Jake! I was worried about you! Where are you?" I was relieved to be hearing from him.

"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean to make you worry. I'm on my way home now,"

"It's alright, I'll see you soon. Bye, honey," I responded, smiling lightly.

"Bye, love you!" He responded before hanging up.

I sighed and rested my head against our head board. I was no longer frustrated, just relieved.

About 30 minutes later, I heard Jake quietly enter our home. I hopped out of bed and went down to greet him.

"Hi honey," He said, wrapping his arm around me and kissing my lips.

I moaned in response and kissed him back, shoving my tongue in his mouth. I pulled away and gasped for air and noticed a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Aww, Jake!" I cried, hugging him.

"You like 'em?" He responded and kissed my head, then handed them to me.

I nodded and ran off into the kitchen to put them in water. When I arrived, he had already gone upstairs to bed. I quietly walked upstairs and climbed in with him. I pressed my warm body up against his surprisingly cold one.

"You tired, baby?" I asked, rubbing his shoulder.

"Nah...I just wanted to get you in bed," He smirked then kissed me forcefully.

I kissed him back and straddled him. He grabbed my waist and slipped my panties off, then did the same with his.

"Goddamn I love you," I half whispered half moaned, grabbing tufts of his long hair and thrusting hard.

He groaned and panted, like a dog. We passionately made love for over a half an hour, by the time we finished we were both out of breath and sweating.

"High five," He said, opening his hand to reveal his flat palm.

I slapped my hand hard on his and then wiped my brow with it.

"Night babe," He said, reaching over to peck me on the cheek before rolling over and falling asleep.

I closed my eyes then quickly snapped them open...Jake used a condom, right?

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