Chapter Two

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" Are you ready to go back to school " Juju asked me . I nodded my head slowly unsure about if I was really ready to go back after what happened with Josh. Josh was a boy that I was having relations with at the time but then he started messing with someone else and I found out so I cut it off but he went crazy , we got into a physical fight . The situation wasn't even suppose to escalate to that point but he started pushing me and it reminded me of my father so I lost it . I was sitting there thinking when Juju broke the silence by talking " I'm for real Kina you can always stay home if you're not ready " she stated again . " I'm okay Ju seriously I can't keep runaway from all my problems " I said putting my hair into a high ponytail . Juju nodded and grabbed her keys " just let me know when you're ready " . I nodded assuring her that I was ready and that we could leave . The whole ride was kind of silent due to me thinking about everything that happened and how I thought the first day back was going to go . I honestly doubted that it would go well or as well as I hoped it'd be . When we got there everybody was outside just standing around until it was time to go inside , everyone knew Ju car so that was so much for trying not to be seen . As I got out the car I could feel everyone starring at me I know they were looking for my black eye but I had to cover it with makeup , but my lip was still swollen sadly . I waited for Ju to get out the car before I walked up there where everyone else was . " SHAKINA !! " I heard someone yell , I was lost until I saw Adrian . " oh hey " I said waving at her . " Your eye doesn't look bad " she said looking at my face . I laughed a little " it's makeup Adrian " I said looking around . " Ohhh " she said still examining my face . It was a awkward moment of silence so I broke it by asking about Rocky and Lo , but she hadn't seen them . I looked around for Ju and she was down there talking to her boyfriend Tyler . The bell chimed indicating that it was time for us to go into to the building . I started walking to my locker when I bumped into someone , I was scared to look up at first but I did it was a boy brownskin , short hair cut , tall , kind of muscular , and he was cute . " I'm sorry " he said looking me up and down . I just nodded my head and walked off . When I got to my locker I got my books out for my first three periods American history II , English IIII , and Advanced functions . My first period was upstairs and I only had five minutes to get there so I locked my locker and rushed to first period . I literally ran up the stairs almost falling and busting my face a couple times but it's okay .  I finally got to my class " Hello Ms. Shakina " the teacher said as I walked in , as she said my name everyone turned around and starred at me . The silence was awkward so I went and took a seat beside an empty chair . As the class filled up I started to take the notes that were on the black board . As I had my head down writing someone tapped my shoulder,  I looked up it was the same boy from earlier " sorry to bother you but can I sit here " he asked pointing to the seat . " oh yeah no problem " I said moving my bag out of the seat . The class was awkward until the teacher said we had to work in partners . " It's crazy that John was really like 41 " he said kind of chuckling , " yeah tell me about it" I nodded in agreement. I broke the silence this time " You're writing for Johns point of view right ? " I said , he nodded . " It's due Thursday so we'll have to meet after school or something " he said . I nodded nervously " yeah of course ." The silence was awkward again until he broke it by asking for my number so I gave it to him on a sheet of paper , before we could finish writing it was time to go . " See you around " he said touching my shoulder before he left out , I smiled and nodded. Now I had to run down stairs.

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