Dinner parties and Dead Bodies

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"Kimberly what would you like to study in university ? " Mingyu's mum asks.

"I would want to study in Business and major in Accounting or Management." I answer stealing a glance at Mingyu who is looking at me fondly.

"Ah you want to take over the family business I see." She says as I nod.

The evening went on full of laughter and joy but little did I know that Mingyu kept staring at me the whole night.

Mingyu's mother was extremely funny.

"Okay who wants ice cream ?" My mum says raising her glass of red wine.

"More ? I'm so full from all you gave me earlier." They say as our mothers go to one of the other living rooms in the huge house.

"Wow you house is so big." Mingyu says as he looks at me.

"Yeah, it's a 4 story house though." I say looking around.

"You look beautiful this evening." Mingyu says as he flashes a million dollar smile.

I felt my cheeks burn up.

"Thank you, ain't so bad your self." I say as I reach for the glass of juice.

"Why don't you show me around ?"

After half an hour

This is the gym which no one hardly uses, and this -

"What no personal trainer ?" He jokes I couldn't help but smile at his cheesy smile.

It's so .....cute.

"Next this is the indoor pool and outside ....are you really going to make me show you outside ? How long have I been showing you around. "I say throwing my hands up.

"Why didn't I see the back garden when I came to the party ? It's huge !"  He says as he looks around.

"Sehun's is bigger, wait you came to the party ? Oh yeah you did." I say "I'm so forgetful at times."

Mingyu smirks as we sit facing each other on the swings.

"So Sehun lives next door to you ?" He says raising an eyebrow. "What's going on between you two anyways ?"

"Nothing it was a long time ago before me and Jongin were even together." I say as I start to pout.

"It's good your not together now." He says as he puts his arm on my back comforting me.

"Mingyu what did you mean yesterday when you said that I had no idea of what Jongin started ?" I say looking into his eyes.

He looks to the ground then looks back at me with symphony.

"He did something to me along time ago, something that I would never forget." He says as his expression turns cold.

"Like what ?" I ask

"Mingyu your mothers leaving." My mum interrupts.

"Oh, thank you Mrs. Westbrooke." He says bowing to her.

"Such a lovely boy." She whispers as she enters the house.

I stand up to notice the 15cm difference in height between us.

"So, um I gotta go." He stutters

Is it weird to say that I wanted Mingyu to stay more.

"Mingyu can't you stay a little longer ?" I say in a flirty tone.

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