Oh My Gosh! I Can't Believe It!

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Ok so a 2 friends of mine who have this book so I'm not gonna say their names. But anyway these two friends of mine have crushes on watch other. But only one of them knows that the other like them. But the other likes the other and the other didn't know that they like them. I would tell the other person that their crush likes them but I promised three other that I wouldn't tell anyone about their crush so......... I'm hoping that the other will them l tell the other that they have a crush on them and only I know the two people's names and Purple~Chan also does because she eavesdropped on us........ but she promised meh she (Purple~Chan)would not tell anyone or she (Purple~Chan) may or may not get her crush told that she (Purple~Chan)likes him so........i basically am in Fangirl mode about these two mystery people who like each other and that's rare for me to do!

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