Part 15

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The next morning found us in the pool barely past second sunrise. I had gained some confidence in the water, and while I doubted I would ever be as strong or fearless a swimmer as Kai, I could at least get my face wet without flying into a panic. We stripped and Kai dived in, surfacing in a burst of spray, the water droplets shining in his short hair like diamonds. He shook his head, sending a rainbow of splashes outward, and I smiled to see him so carefree.

I took a seat on the stone flags, my feet in the water, content for the moment to watch him swim. Once I got in, he would become too engrossed with my lesson to enjoy himself, and we had the whole day ahead of us to spend on furthering my education. I hoped a little time fooling around would show Kai it was possible to be a slave and still be happy, that the two states weren't mutually exclusive.

"What have we here?"

I started at the sound of Master's deep voice, but before I had half-risen to greet him, he sat beside me, pulling the wide legs of his trousers up above his knees and putting his feet in the water.

"Does he do this every day?" Master asked, nodding at Kai, who was completing an underwater lap and hadn't yet realised we were no longer alone.

I nodded. "He enjoys it. I think it reminds him of being free."

Kai surfaced with a triumphant shout, cut off in the middle when he saw Master sitting beside me. He swam over to us with swift, efficient strokes, and I envied him his confidence almost as much as I appreciated the view.

He came to rest in the water before us, one hand on the ledge between my knees, kicking his legs slowly to keep himself upright and above the surface.

"Don't stop on my account," Master said, smiling at him. "I was enjoying watching you."

"I need to start on Tam's lessons anyway."

"Let's see how you're coming along, then," Master prompted, and I obediently slid into the water.

At first I was conscious of having an audience, but Kai was patient with me, and Master remained silent at the side of the pool. Indeed, he hardly seemed to be watching us at all: as often as not when I glanced in his direction, he had his eyes closed and his face tilted towards the suns, his robes open and his long hair cascading around his shoulders. He was nearing his fortieth year, and yet he was every bit as handsome as I recalled him being in his twenties—if anything, even more so. The touches of grey in his hair suited his serious demeanour, but the laughter lines crinkled around his eyes showed he still had light-hearted moments.

"You're doing well," he called, opening his eyes and seeing me watching.

I waved to him and promptly sank as I stopped paddling. Kai hauled me up again in an instant, scolding me for not paying attention.

"I didn't panic," I pointed out, wrapping my arms around him, and he smiled in wonder.

"I'd rather you didn't drown," Master said dryly, and we laughed and released each other to swim over to where he was sitting.

"Are you coming in?" I asked expectantly.

"Maybe later." Master smiled at me, his expression soft with fondness. "You two continue the lesson for now. I'm going to be decadent and sunbathe."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise but offered no further comment. I couldn't recall the last time Master had taken a day off from his duties, and certainly not to laze around the pool. As Kai and I returned to the shallow end to work on my technique, I snuck a last glance in time to see Master doff his robes and recline naked on a low chaise, eyes closed and hair spilling down around his shoulders.

The Slave (Free Men, #1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now