Chapter 19

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Yay! More storytime! I think I'm going crazy... Anyways, this chapter should be... interesting, to say the least. I kinda want to tell you what I do when I get writer's block. I just write! I right a POV down, start where I left off, and pay absolutely no attention to what I'm typing. Or I add a random new character or twist, like I will in this chapter. On with the story!

~Seto's POV~

I run to the recording room, where I grab the camera. I run back outside, past the very confused Team Crafted, and into the living room. "Come on! I can't have my fans thinking I'm dead!" They walk toward me, Adam running. When he reaches me, he grabs my arm.

"How exactly will you explain your ghostliness to the subs?" He shows me my arm.

"Oh yeah, er, editing?" I try. Adam laughs.

"It might work." Ty comments, entering the room. Jerome snickers, but is silenced by an apple to the head, courtesy of Jason.

"Ty is a super genius now, remember? He can surely make you look normal." Mitch adds, glaring at Jerome.

"Okay..." Adam mumbles, still not quite trusting the idea.

"Adam, its not like we'd be uploading it live. If the editing doesn't work, we upload a Minecraft video. Problem solved." Ian says, flying into the room, Quentin on his tail.

"Fine. Let's record. Besides, I have an idea..."

"Hey guys, Sky here, and welcome back to another video. I'm here with Ty, Jason, Mitch, Jerome, Ian, Quentin, Em, and Emma, and we kinda have some news for you." He stops, and Ty begins while I smile. I'm hiding behind the camera, where the Team can see me, but the camera can't.

"You may notice that this video is up on Seto's channel as well as ours. Well, we have some more news about Seto you might want to hear." He smiles, cueing Em.

"As you probably know, our father strangled Seto, and we thought it killed him." She pauses, then starts the story we decided on for our fans. "It actually did, and we put his body in his room. Emma went in to his room earlier today and ran back out screaming 'Seto is alive! He's breathing!' We followed her in, and sure enough, Seto was laying in his bed, heart beating." Emma had the next part.

"We called the hospital, and they told us what we were already figuring out. Seto's heart stopped, but restarted itself. His heartbeat and breathing were so shallow, though, that we didn't notice them, and we presumed him to be dead." Mitch has the last part before I make an appearance. I look down at my arm and see the color returning. I turn and look in the mirror, and I look normal again, just very pale. I smile at Mitch, and he says his line, walking toward the camera while the rest of the Team joins me.

"You guys are probably wondering, what happened next? And where's Seto? Well, Seto woke up, and we told him what happened. He had been dead, then came back to life, literally. We also told him about the video we had made to announce his death. He freaked and ran to get the camera, and here we are. Seto, ready?" I nod silently, and Mitch walks toward me, camera pointed at himself. "Here he is!" He exclaims, pointing the camera at me. I smile and Mitch chuckles as Jerome slurps in the background.

"Yeah, sorry for the confusion, I just couldn't have you guys thinking I was dead." Mitch pans the camera around, showing the Team surrounding me. "I didn't even know I had died. Actually, when I woke up, I thought I was dead! The last thing I remembered was hands around my neck..." I trail off, unsure of how to continue. Then I turn my side to the camera, leaning away from it, which exposed the black and blue bruises my father's hands left on my neck. "There is your proof that we aren't lying. I'm SetoSorcerer, and I'll see you guys later." I close my eyes, and Mitch stops the recording. I flop down into a chair, and the doorbell rings. Adam goes to answer it, Em behind him. 3 girls and 2 boys follow them into the living room. Cayt, Maiya, James, Bonkers, and WeedLion.

Yay! I just realized that Cayt and Maiya kinda disappeared into thin air, so pretend they were in Canada or something. Yeah. Canada. Whatevs, YOWO. You Only Write Once. Until next time, Seeya!

~Rain 🌈

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