ESTÁS LEYENDO Randoms Comics De Todo Yea I did put a Neko me *fake coughs* never mind this is a random stuffs here but it will be great!, Plus I don't own the pictures to make sure I hope to say thanks to it's rightful owner, And I will tell you each picture is mine hm ok? #comics #random #talking ▶ IT JUST A PRANK BRO!! 30 2 3 por UnderfreshSans por UnderfreshSans Seguir Compartir Publicar en tu perfil Compartir por correo electrónico Reportar Historia Enviar Send to Friend Compartir Publicar en tu perfil Compartir por correo electrónico Reportar Historia Glitch : See that Smaus over there Ima poke her with a stick heheh! *Tip toe over to Samus with a stick* Glitch : POKE *Poke Samus with a stick* Samus : ¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra. *pins glitch down to the ground and start to hit him a lot* Glitch : IT JUST A PRANK BRO A PRANK BRO!!! *get off the ground and started to run*