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My breath is the loudest thing I've ever heard, the ever-present darkness pushing, forcing me to become as small as I can.

I must become master of the dark.

I begin walking, every shaky step making a loud slap and echo. I'm practically clinging to the slimy wall, the only thing that gives me a minuscule feeling of security.

Dark monsters lunge at me from the dark, never touching me, never being seen, never making a sound. But they're there. I know it.

I must become master of the dark.

The darkness, the creatures, monsters, they're pushing at me, harder. I sink down and curl up in a ball. I wish they would leave. I wish I wasn't afraid of the dark.

I will become master of the dark.

An angry fire flairs up inside me.


I spring up, ready to take on the challenges the darkness throws at me. I force the darkness away, I make it stop pushing, I survive without light.

I begin sprinting, abandoning the slimy wall, heading towards what I hope is the end of the corridor. The light. The darkness continues pushing at me, but I beat it back.

I am the master of the dark.

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