Chapter 39

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"Assalamualikum," Azar beams.

"Wa–Walaikumusalam." I wasn't ready for this. "Why are you here?"

"It's the third day today, so I have come to pick you up," he replies as if it's obvious.

"You could at least have given me a call, Azar," I say in dismay, but I let him inside.

Azar is about to say something, but he gets interrupted by Mom. "Oh Azar, what a pleasant surprise it is!" She exclaims and kisses his forehead.

"Mom!" Maliha calls out happily as she runs to her and hugs her. "I missed you so much."

"Oh, where is Ahmed?" Mom asks her.

"He is with Pops outside," Maliha replies.

Ahmed and Pops come at that moment, and after the greetings, we all have lunch. Pops and Ahmed are busy talking about business, and Mom is asking Maliha whether she has packed everything.

Azar and I are sitting side by side in silence, eating. After a few minutes, he says in a low voice, "So did you enjoy your time without me?" he smiles smugly at the end.

"Of course, I did," I say even though all I can think of is the sleepless, terrible nights and the empty, boring days. "What about you? Enjoyed your time away from me?"

"Can you pass me the jug?" He asks instead, and I do, troubled by his lack of reply.

I say as I pour him the drink, "I hope you have something up your sleeve to convince me."

He acts as if he doesn't understand I am talking about the divorce. "It's nice to know you hope for something from me."

My stomach lurches at his words, but I suppress my thoughts. Thoughts at the end of the day, are just pointless words unsaid.

After lunch, I pack up my things, and Maliha and Ahmed bid goodbye to Mom and Pops as they are getting late for their flight.

Azar and I head back home too. When we reach, I sit a bit with Mama and Baba, and then I pray Asr. When I finish doing so, Azar appears at the door. It feels weird standing in front of him after everything, so I pace back to my bed and sit down with my back faced to him.

However, Azar remains at the door, lingering as if afraid to enter. "Abeer, I..." He hesitates a little. "I wanted to tell you something."

"Go on."

"I..." he hesitates again. I try not to worry, but I can sense that there is something wrong. "Yesterday, when you were leaving... I saw that you forgot to keep your medicines in your bag, and so I kept them, and..." he pauses, "and I saw a photo."

I look calm on the outside, but inside I am shaken with fear. I don't know whether I can handle questions. I don't know if I can pretend to be strong anymore. I get up and begin unpacking my things, but my hands tremble as I do.

Azar stands by my side and puts away the clothes in my hands. I don't look up. "I have never asked you why you have nightmares." He pulls my sleeve up a little and grazes his thumb over my scar. I am unable to push him away even though I want to, as it is too hard to process his words and actions. "I have never asked who you are terrified of. I have never interfered with your secrets. I let them be, but..."

Fighting against the tears because I am tired of crying, I pull away my hand from his, pick up my clothes and continue unpacking. I walk past him, but he catches up to me. "Who are they, Abeer?"

"Azar, please..." I beg, my voice cracking slightly.

"Who are they? They are with you in it," He persists.

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