The End Of Time

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The Year is 7368, also known as the time the world meets it's end, this is a story about The End Of Time...

Chapter 1

The Start Of Everything

It all starts in a city called Sibi, a peaceful, crime-free city, many people love to visit Sibi, until today, the 22nd of December, just three days away from Christmas. "Mum! Where's Hugo?" Asked a 7-year old child, she has brown hair, blue eyes and a sweet personality, her name is Judas. "In the yard." Replied Olive, 32 years of age, bright blonde hair and brown eyes. Judas rushed out the door, running on the cut, fresh green grass, Hugo, a Golden Labrador pup, he's an excited little puppy also willing to plat ball or tug of war. "Come on Hugo, come on boy!" WOOF! "Ok, calm down, jeez boy."

"Ugh, stupid store manager not letting me get a damn refund on this faulty cord." Complained Garry, a 15 year old boy, black hair and green eyes. "How'd the refund go?" Asked Olive.

"I just said, he didn't give me one, the rip-off artist." Replied Garry.

4pm, "I'm home!" Announced 33-year old Jak, he's got brown hair and brown eyes. "Ok, if you want something to eat make sure you go to the Grocery Store." Shouted Olive from upstairs. There was a rumble. A bigger one... A bigger one... A huge one... Then... BAM! The vase fell over and smashed on the floor. "OMG! What the hell was that?!" Yelled Judas dashing down stairs. She tripped over something, a loose step. "OW! Mum, there's a loose board! Mum? Mum!"

"I'm coming!" The floor shook again, and again, then it seemed to stop. But, the violent shaking hit again, its getting bigger and more dangerous with every hit. BAM! BAM! BAM!! "MUM! THE HOUSE IS GETTING DESRTOYED!" Screamed Judas.

"It's ok, it'll just be Hank drilling again. Hank is the Mayor of Sibi, he's a 32 year old man with blonde hair and hazel eyes. "You sure we'll be fine?!" Judas yelled to speak louder than the RUMBLING!

"Yeah, I'm sure, it's happened before, when you weren't home." Olive replied. The violent shaking finally stopped. It's now 5pm. "Tea's out!" Said Olive putting out the final plate onto the table.

After everyone's finished eating a knock is heard on the door. "Who is it?" Asked Jak walking to the door. "It's me, Riiz." Answered Riiz (pronounced Rise) An averaged sized man, 39 years of age, black hair and green eyes. "Ok, come in!" Jak said walking back. "Thanks, so what yo all doing?" Riiz asked coming in the door sitting down. "WE FINISHED EATING FOOD!!" Yelled Garry with a smile.

"ME TOO!" Riiz shouted back. "Hey, do you guys have a bathroom?" Riiz asked.

"Nooo, we crap in the yard." Garry replied sarcastically.

"Down the hall, second to the right."  Olive explained.

Chapter 2

Lesson 1

The next morning...

"See you soon Mum, I'm going to school." Judas said walking out the door.

"Ok, have a good day." Olive Replied.

While Judas was on walking to school, a man approached her...

"Hello young lady... would you like to buy some-"

"NO!" Judas screamed sprinting past the man.

"Huh, I was just going to ask her if she wanted some gum... more for me I guess."

Finally, at 8:23am, Judas arrived at Sibi Primary School.

'Oh, god, we got Mr. Leninstein again, harshest teacher EVER!' Judas thought to herself as she walked past the teacher's desk.

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