ive ignored you once i can do it again

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(phone rings)
Hey sweetie it's mom how's your day.
Hi mom my day has been great .I've just been catching up on some homework and took nyla for a walk.
You know desirae that dog could use more than 3 walks a day she's lazier then cats could ever be .she's like a undercover cat ,and she a good one.
I know mom but I've had my face stuck in books lately!You don't ever stop reading do you? i
can't constantly walk her anyway .
Well why in the world not?
Walking her over and over again is well kind of a waste of time to me.
Oh please it's not like you have a life anyway!
Well it's true .I'm glad your in college and getting an education but you need friends badly.
I'm fine with nyla .
Oh no your not ,you barely play with the dog you read more than u look at that dog.you need to find yourself some friends ...start mingling .
Friends are a waste of time mom and I've learned that long ago.
Your just being stuck up and selfish. I remember when you were in your last year of high school ....you was so happy ! You wanna know why u was so happy?
Why? Because you had friends to share every moment with.
And now I don't so let it go ....and who's to say I'm not happy I'm very happy. I don't need friends to share moments with im find by myself!!!!(call ends)

Nyla my mom thinks I need friends in my life again after what my last friends did to me I'll never have friends again or a boyfriend ,who needs those. Boys just fuck your ENTIRE LIFE UP !! With all that romantic love talk and the acting like there really listening to any of your stories and just faking EVERYTHING! Friends just screw you over and RELATIONSHIPS DROP BOMBS ON YOU LIKE YOUR TITANIUM OR SOMETHING! IM NOT TITANIUM I'm like paper 😓😖.....that's very very easy to tear . I wish I was more like a brick wall then people want be able to walk over me .

Let's go on a walk I need to clear my mind ,all this friend stuff is starting to bring back horrible memories.
(Closing door)

(Bumps into someone)
Hey watch out!
My bad I'm just looking for desirae din ...
Wait Jackson?
It is you desirae
Stop right there! Jackson there is nothing I want to talk to you about and I don't wanna talk to you ...ever!

Desirae wait!
For ?
Listen I'm sorry...just please stop pushing me away.
Why should I stop, if I let you back in my life I'll be back in jail. have you ever been in jail? No you haven't because you left me to find out what jail feels like ! So goodbye jackson.

(Goes back in the house)
Apparently a walk is not what I need.im just gonna eat froyo and watch Netflix(bark bark). You want some froyo girl (bark) ,well let's get some. what movie should we watch nyla , how about this one it's called Note To Self (bark bark) .

(One movie later desirae's phone rings)
It's mom
Well hi mom
You know your high school sweetheart jackson?
He is not my high school anything!
Whatever my point is , He called me asking me how he could get you to talk to him .he seemed very sorry and heart broken because you won't let him talk to you.
And he will continue to feel that way .
Desirae now you know right from wrong and this is wrong , Not talking to the only guy who really understands you and has always been there for you.
Been there for me?do you remember the last time he was there for me ?
Yes I do ! When you got in that car accident you were in a coma for 3 weeks , for three weeks he seat with you day and night.your not gonna think he was Because when you woke up he was at the bathroom and came back the doctor's wouldn't let him in!
How come no one told me when I got home .
Because you wouldn't listen to him or me ! You blamed the entire car accident on him and shut everyone out .
Your right I did blame it on him because if he hadn't stud me up I would have never been on the road.
You can't be mad at him forever .
(Knock knock) someone's at the door we'll talk about this later!(hangs up)

(Knock knock)
Who's at the door anyway?(opens the door)
Desirae can we please talk ?
There is nothing I want to talk to you about?
Desirae please don't be like that .I know your beyond mad at me and I would be mad to , but believe me when I say I am sorry and I will do anything for you to talk to me again please.!!
No(slams door shut).

I'm not talking to him or anyone.i hope he doesn't keep coming back because if he does we're moving.

Are you hungry girl (bark bark) ....here you go ,I'm gonna go read the next book series in never trust again!

(Several books later)
Dang it's almost 10:00 I need to be getting in the bed I have classes to go to tomorrow. Nyla goodnight !

(The next morning) man I'm late ,
Nyla how come u didn't wake me are something. And your just a dog mystery solved. I'm off to school I'll be back later ( bark Bark).

I need to stop at the store and grab a breakfast snack , totally missed out on that . Some donuts and coffee sounds soooo good right about now 😖🍩☕. Some Starbucks is just what I need, omg but they prices way to high they need to cut it😂.
(Arrives at Starbucks)
How can I help you today ?!
Can I get a caramel latte and two powder donut's please?
Sure thing ,that will be a 5 minute wait!

( 5 minutes later)
Excuse me mis your latte and donuts are ready!
Thanks have a great day!
You too!

(Leaves and now she at Scoo)
on my glob skins  I'm late !! (Runs to class) miss.din your late . I know I'm sorry mr.glen I'll get right to work. You bet your grades you will, you want to know something desirae ? (No not at all😐) Sure .
You can't show up late to a interview and expect to get the job, you can't show up late to the movies and expect to get the good seats ,you cant be kicked out of college and expect a diploma.know with that being said you can't show up late to my class and expect no consequences , because there will be. I want to see you after class Miss.din .
Yes sir!

Ugh what could he possibly want . If he tells my mom I was late she will die . It's not like I'm always late anyway , I stay on time . I was only 10 minutes late he can let that go .like I will sit here and complain the rest of this class if I don't figure out what he want me for . I am a honor roll student, if a honor roll student mess up one time everyone acting like it's  a zombie apocalypse and we all finna die. Watch right after this he will continue to talk about how I was late . Tomorrow hell be all like , desirae I'm glade to see your here on time unlike yesterday when you were late . OK maybe I'm just freaking out because I've never been late before or even in trouble for anything ,I'm sure I'm not in any major trouble😐!

(Class bell rings )
See everyone tomorrow and make sure the homework is done ! Now desirae please come here . Why were you late today .

Well Mr.glen I was late because I was up late reading and was tired this morning and got up to late . I don't wanna see you walk through those doors late again miss.din am I clear.
Yes I won't let this happen again . You are excused you can leave now .

(Walks out of class)

(Classes later)
Ugh I'm so ready to go home and that's why I'm glade it's the end of the day . Where are my keys , found them yes (drops keys ) darn. Here let me get those for you  .
Tha... Jackson really why are you following me now ?
I just wanna talk so we can move on from the past!
If you think I wanna talk to you about moving on from anything your wrong , soooo wrong ! I'm not gonna get over something like what happened so easily ,so don't just randomly pop up and think things are gonna be all rainbows and sunshine.
I'm just asking for forgiveness I can't live on knowing the only person in the world i would die for hates my guts.
Well I guess you won't be living and I won't be at your funeral .

(slams car door and pulls off)
Omg if he doesn't stop following me I'm gonna call the police. I don't think he's ever gonna stop trying, he never stops trying😓. Sometimes I wish he never met me and I never met him, he's just trying make me think he really cares just so he could throw another bomb at me.

I'm not gonna break like everyone expects me to. I'm not gonna give in like he wants me to . And there's no way I'm gonna talk to him again . How could he possibly think I wanna be back with him anyway. How did he find me actually I didn't tell anyone where I moved but my mom ,and how did he know where my school was or where I lived 😕?

(Calls mom)
Did you tell jackson where to find me ?
No !
You said he called you asking about me ,now are you sure you didn't tell him  anything?
Yes I'm sure ! Where are you it sounds noisy?
I'm on the road going home !
Well drive safely and again I didn't tell him anything !
OK mom goodbye!
(Hangs up)

My mom would never lie to me , so she has to be telling the truth!

I just can't figure out how he knew where I would be . How come I didn't ask him this when he first appeared out of the lands of backstabbing 😕?

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